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    Halo 3: ODST

    Game » consists of 10 releases. Released Sep 22, 2009

    Taking place during the events of Halo 2, Halo 3: ODST puts players in the shoes of a silent Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (known as the Rookie) as he traverses through the Covenant-occupied metropolis of New Mombasa to find the whereabouts of his missing squadmates.

    sbc515's Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360) review

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    Prepare to drop

    An all new Halo experience with a new protagonist, new locations, characters, and much more, ODST is an awesome addition to the franchise. Despite the title, the game takes place during the events of Halo 2, but before the events of Halo 3, which makes the title misleading, though it might make sense as a sort of prequel to Halo 3.

    The game was heavily criticized for being overpriced at launch since it costed 60 dollars upon release, and considering how short the game is (its extremely short campaign can be finished in a few hours) and its weak elements compared to other Halo titles this displeased both fans and critics alike.

    With its amazing graphics, despite being very similar to the graphics in Halo 3, the gameplay, while identical to it's predecessor, is still great, with the Brutes still taking the Elite's roles. The game is, however, structured in a linear narrative, and the beacons are set in such a way that the game would be played linearly. For this reason, the story is pretty lackluster, which is unsurprising compared to previous titles. It also doesn't help that the narrative itself is lackluster.

    The main protagonist, simply called "Rookie", unfortunately, has little to no involvement on the game's story. You can not only play as the Rookie, but also play at least as the two different protagonists called Buck and Dutch. The voice acting is also pleasing, especially from great actors such as Nolan North (Nathan Drake) as Romeo, and Alan Tyduk as Mickey.

    The night sections are heavily atmospheric, with a really excellent smooth jazz soundtrack taking influences from the neo noir genre, helping give the game a neo-noir feel. This is something never explored in the Halo universe. The open world of the game's night-time sections feel rather tacked on, having little or no shortcuts, world building, or rewards for exploring the city. They could've easily made VISR a reward for completing "Sadie's Story" (more on that later) or as a gadget you earn later on in the game.

    Speaking of, a scanner like device aptly named "VISR" allows you to detect enemies easier and have a better vision during the night-time sections. However, this works as a double-edged sword. The VISR gadget itself can unfortunately shatter the atmosphere when active during the night sections. It also doesn't help that turning it off actively puts you at a disadvantage, as well as there being no limit to using it.

    There's a meta-narrative in the game called "Sadie's Story" that follows an African 19-year-old named Sadie as she survives the Covenant invasion. This adds some depth to the game, although there isn't too much payoff for finding said audio-logs.

    The complete version of Halo 3's multiplayer was contained on a separate disc packaged along with this game. In addition to this it had added a new multiplayer mode known as Firefight, a survival mode which adds a lot of fun and excitement.

    If you want more Halo, give this game a try and I hope you like it.

    Other reviews for Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360)

      From Bungie With Love 0

       Right off the bat, let's get one thing straight here. Halo 3: ODST is a Halo game-- more specifically, Halo 3 with some slight tweaks. The core gameplay is all still here, just as strong as it's always been. If you've never been a fan of Halo's style of gameplay however, ODST is not going to change your mind. Some periphery elements have been changed, but at the core there is little different in ODST that will attract new players. That fact might seem elementary, but it's important to remember;...

      50 out of 51 found this review helpful.

      Sometimes low expectations are a really good thing.. 0

      I´ve played through all of the Halo games at least once and I enjoy them as shooters. But I´m not a huge fan of the universe and I don´t think I´ve played the multiplayer even once. I´ve always managed to get caught up in the hype machine for each game but this time I was kind of unaffected by it. I still decided to pick ODST up and boy did I benefit from my low expectations. I went in expecting an ok expansion for Halo 3 but before the campaign was over I ended up feeling like this is my favori...

      21 out of 23 found this review helpful.

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