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    Halo 2

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Nov 09, 2004

    The sequel to Halo: Combat Evolved continues the epic story of humanity's last and best hope: the super-soldier Master Chief, as he defends Earth from a Covenant invasion and fights to prevent the activation of another Halo ring.

    ishoturface's Halo 2 (Limited Collector's Edition) (Xbox) review

    Avatar image for ishoturface

    The next to best FPS for xbox

    While some say Halo Combat evolved is better than Halo 2 They are both great in their own way. While halo 2 has better multiplayer and Halo CE has a hell of a good campaign. Im going to start with single player first so here goes nothing.

    The games campaign starts you out almost the excact same way in Halo ce meaning that you start out at your base which makes the game feel like its repeating its self which is good and bad.
    So anyway in halo ce you learn about "Halo" And in Halo 2 you learn that the Covenant is going to use it as weapon To destroy Something (I never really payed attention to the plot) So you have to try and stop the prophets of Halo from destroying whatever it is they are going to destroy.
    And yes the Campaign is not as good as Halo CE it still is not as bad as everybody says but its just my opinion.

    The Story can get confusing at times as to what the heck is going on but its still fun to play as the covenant sometimes even though playing as two different armys in the campaign is not as much fun as playing just Master chief.

    Also when you are the covenant you are fighting against your fellow aliens sometimes since you play as arbiter who after figuring out the prophets were going to Destroy something with "halo" arbiter rebels against the covenant and tries to figure out what is going on.

    Anyway to sum up the campaign No its not as good As Halo Ce
    But its till a heck of lot of Fun to play by your self or with a friend in co-op even though the story is confusing a times the campaign is not as bad as everone says and its not as good as Halo Ce.

    Now to the mutliplayer.

    The multiplayer is no doubt the star of the game With the option to play Split screen or online With LIVE Either way its fun.
    There are quite a few maps (around 15 I think) and game modes to choose from (Also around 15 if look at all the Extra ones like slayer swords Which is slayer game mode but you can just use the Halo sword).

    But If you are playing split screen (up to 4 players can play split screen) then i would just suggest slayer game mode Since the other game modes on split screen prove to not be as good as they are on LIVE Plainly because of screen lookers on splitscreen.

    You can customize Your character for Multiplayer From the color (which you could do in halo ce Multiplayer) But this time you can choose a secondary color to separate you from the rest of the player On LIVE, you also can customize a flag with the option of your symbol and colors To also help separate you from the rest of the players.

    And to sum up the multiplayer it is better than halo ce multiplayer But mainly because of LIVE and the maps are Kick @$$ Maps but still in my opinion the mutliplayer overall in halo 2 is better than Halo Ce mutliplayer.

    In Halo 2 everybody got pissed that the Assault rifle from The first halo was taken out and replaced by the battle rifle while its not as good as the assault rifle its burst fire and scope make it a very good weapon in any situation. In addition to the battle rifle comeing to halo 2 some other weapons make a First appearance such as The Smg which is a small pistol like weapon with automatic fire and can be dual wielded (most other small weapons can be dual wielded) another new weapon is the carbine which is a covenant rifle weapon that is pretty powerful and has a scope like the battle rifle.

    The games sound is just as good if not better than Halo Ce's Sound, from the music to the sound of explosions makes it seem very realistic and add the tension to the game.

    The games graphics are no doubt better than the first Halo's graphics in halo ce all the textures were kinda sharp and edgy but not in halo 2 making in for a better experience graphics wise. Another good thing about the graphics is that the graphics are awesome and i have never had any lag whatsoever in, not even on LIVE where sometimes there can be big battles.

    Overall if you have a XBOX then you Need (not want) to get halo 2 in order to appreciate the xbox's Pure power and graphics ability.

    Multiplayer: 9.9/10
    Funness factor: 9.5/10
    Single player: 8.9/10
    Co-op: 9.7/10
    Graphics: 10/10
    Sound: 9.8/10
    replay value: 9.9/10
    Gameplay: 10/10
    Tilt: 9.7/10


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