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    Greg Oden

    Character » appears in 16 games

    A center for the Portland Trail Blazers

    *Warning: This blog may be too interesting for you*

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    Edited By JJWeatherman



    Basketball talk

    As witnessed in the prior video, Greg Oden had a heck of a game Monday night. In combination with a few other Blazers nice nights lead to an easy win over Chicago's once great Bulls. Greg had 24 points, 12 rebounds and 2 blocks if I remember right. Likewise, LaMarcus Aldrige put on an All-Star performance with 24 points, and 13 rebounds. These two in combination really took control of the boards and held Noah (the NBA's leading rebounder) to a rebounding total well short of his average. Of course 2-time all-star Brandon Roy had a run of the mill night with 18 points and a game high 7 assists. But the win was made easy by Rudy Fernandez and Andre Miller (both in double figures) hitting shots to space the floor. This is how you win games in the NBA.
    However I do realize that the schedule the Blazers have faced has been less than ferocious thus far. None the less, we have been winning games that we should be winning and right now we have one of the best records in the league at 12-5. John Hollinger of ESPN also has the Blazers at the #3 overall spot on his tried-and-true power rankings. Things are looking pretty good this season for my dear dear Blazers. Despite two seemingly impactful injuries early in the season, we are still playing basketball with the best of them. That really shows how much depth this team has. On any other team, if two of their key players go down for long periods of time they can almost start looking to next season. Not the Blazers though, we have enough talent to fill two teams! OK, that might be going slightly overboard but that's what it feels like at this point. 

    Video Game Talk

    Anyways, this is a video game website so how could I go without mentioning what games I have BEATEN recently? That's right, I beat a game. It's a rare occurrence. Almost like drawing a royal flush in poker, or Brad NOT dying in a quick look. Anyways I finally put the finishing touches on Condemned 2: Bloodshot. That game started out so promising but by the end I found myself frustrated a lot. The screen in constantly getting blurred and disorienting in the final stages and it was really getting on my nerves. I powered through it though and I'm glad to cross that one off the list. 
    I haven't visited the land of Torchlight in quite a while and I just may do that now. I have been under a lot of stress due to my class schedule this term. That means I didn't play a lot of games recently which is the main reason for my desertion of Torchlight. But yeah, I really want to get back into that as well as Castlevania: OoE on my DS. I have played most if not all of the Castlevania games that have been released on the GBA and DS but I have yet to get very far at all in OoE. So there you have it, my plans. Play Torchlight and Castlevania. I'm gonna be getting some new 360 games come holiday season so I'm looking forward to playing some of this years real games a little later on. 

    Movie corner with "The Weatherman"

    Oh yeah, I have been watching a lot of movies recently and I just want to quickly rate which ones I have watched on a 1-5 scale. Lets see if I can remember them. Also keep in mind I am winging these ratings, haven't put any deep thought into these ratings until right now. 
    Bowling For Columbine: 5/5 - This movie is a must-see. Really opens up your eyes to how crazy America can be. (Especially Charlton Heston)
    Inglorious Bastards: 3/5
    - I think this rating could easily change but my first impression immediately after the movie was over was kinda meh. So got to stick with the 3 for now at least. Worth watching though for sure.
    Gamer: 2/5 - This movie really was pretty bad as far as characters and story go. But it's really not a bad strait up action flick, which happens to be what I wanted at the time so I somewhat enjoyed this movie. Not completely terrible. 
    American History X: 5/5 - Awesome movie that does a good job of showing the horrible reality of racism these days. The only beef I had was that the main character's beliefs were changed seemingly too easily. This was probably done for the sake of entertainment but it came off as a little unrealistic. Not gonna knock a point off though, the rest is too good. 
    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: 4/5 - This is one of the strangest movies I have seen, but it's good. That's all I know for sure right now. To be honest I strongly feel like I would have to watch this a second time to fully grasp the film. There is a lot going on and knowing what I know now, I feel like I could easily piece things together that I completely missed the first time through. Great movie though. 
    (500) Days of Summer: 5/5 - Even with the sappy nature of this movie, I absolutely loved it. The style this movie had really surprised me and the story is really well thought out. A few good funny moments are scattered throughout too. I have actually seen this twice in about a week or twos time. I may watch it a third. 
    Fahrenheit 9/11: 3/5 - Good Michael Moore movie but it lacks something. It just didn't draw me into the topic for the full two hours in the way that "Bowling for Columbine" or even "Sicko" did. Good movie, but not Michael Moore's best in my eyes. 
    G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra: 1/5 - Well, a 1/5 may be a little harsh but I really was disappointed by this movie. Honestly I didn't expect a whole lot beyond the visual effects department. It was when (most of) the visual effects sucked as well, that I just shook my head in disappointment. 
    Well that's what I have watched in the past couple weeks. Usually I don't watch that many movies but I kept justifying it by saying that if I was playing video games I would be wasting more time than watching a movie. Probably turned out untrue but it's OK. I enjoyed my movie time. Oh and I still plan on writing a review of the Backspacer DLC album for Rock Band but I haven't had enough time playing it on each instrument to feel confident in writing a review yet. Probably sometime soon though. Maybe mid December when I'm on holiday break. 
    Now that I'm finally finished, I want to leave this unsettlingly long blog with a random ass picture: 

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    You know what? One more for good measure!

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    #1  Edited By JJWeatherman



    Basketball talk

    As witnessed in the prior video, Greg Oden had a heck of a game Monday night. In combination with a few other Blazers nice nights lead to an easy win over Chicago's once great Bulls. Greg had 24 points, 12 rebounds and 2 blocks if I remember right. Likewise, LaMarcus Aldrige put on an All-Star performance with 24 points, and 13 rebounds. These two in combination really took control of the boards and held Noah (the NBA's leading rebounder) to a rebounding total well short of his average. Of course 2-time all-star Brandon Roy had a run of the mill night with 18 points and a game high 7 assists. But the win was made easy by Rudy Fernandez and Andre Miller (both in double figures) hitting shots to space the floor. This is how you win games in the NBA.
    However I do realize that the schedule the Blazers have faced has been less than ferocious thus far. None the less, we have been winning games that we should be winning and right now we have one of the best records in the league at 12-5. John Hollinger of ESPN also has the Blazers at the #3 overall spot on his tried-and-true power rankings. Things are looking pretty good this season for my dear dear Blazers. Despite two seemingly impactful injuries early in the season, we are still playing basketball with the best of them. That really shows how much depth this team has. On any other team, if two of their key players go down for long periods of time they can almost start looking to next season. Not the Blazers though, we have enough talent to fill two teams! OK, that might be going slightly overboard but that's what it feels like at this point. 

    Video Game Talk

    Anyways, this is a video game website so how could I go without mentioning what games I have BEATEN recently? That's right, I beat a game. It's a rare occurrence. Almost like drawing a royal flush in poker, or Brad NOT dying in a quick look. Anyways I finally put the finishing touches on Condemned 2: Bloodshot. That game started out so promising but by the end I found myself frustrated a lot. The screen in constantly getting blurred and disorienting in the final stages and it was really getting on my nerves. I powered through it though and I'm glad to cross that one off the list. 
    I haven't visited the land of Torchlight in quite a while and I just may do that now. I have been under a lot of stress due to my class schedule this term. That means I didn't play a lot of games recently which is the main reason for my desertion of Torchlight. But yeah, I really want to get back into that as well as Castlevania: OoE on my DS. I have played most if not all of the Castlevania games that have been released on the GBA and DS but I have yet to get very far at all in OoE. So there you have it, my plans. Play Torchlight and Castlevania. I'm gonna be getting some new 360 games come holiday season so I'm looking forward to playing some of this years real games a little later on. 

    Movie corner with "The Weatherman"

    Oh yeah, I have been watching a lot of movies recently and I just want to quickly rate which ones I have watched on a 1-5 scale. Lets see if I can remember them. Also keep in mind I am winging these ratings, haven't put any deep thought into these ratings until right now. 
    Bowling For Columbine: 5/5 - This movie is a must-see. Really opens up your eyes to how crazy America can be. (Especially Charlton Heston)
    Inglorious Bastards: 3/5
    - I think this rating could easily change but my first impression immediately after the movie was over was kinda meh. So got to stick with the 3 for now at least. Worth watching though for sure.
    Gamer: 2/5 - This movie really was pretty bad as far as characters and story go. But it's really not a bad strait up action flick, which happens to be what I wanted at the time so I somewhat enjoyed this movie. Not completely terrible. 
    American History X: 5/5 - Awesome movie that does a good job of showing the horrible reality of racism these days. The only beef I had was that the main character's beliefs were changed seemingly too easily. This was probably done for the sake of entertainment but it came off as a little unrealistic. Not gonna knock a point off though, the rest is too good. 
    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: 4/5 - This is one of the strangest movies I have seen, but it's good. That's all I know for sure right now. To be honest I strongly feel like I would have to watch this a second time to fully grasp the film. There is a lot going on and knowing what I know now, I feel like I could easily piece things together that I completely missed the first time through. Great movie though. 
    (500) Days of Summer: 5/5 - Even with the sappy nature of this movie, I absolutely loved it. The style this movie had really surprised me and the story is really well thought out. A few good funny moments are scattered throughout too. I have actually seen this twice in about a week or twos time. I may watch it a third. 
    Fahrenheit 9/11: 3/5 - Good Michael Moore movie but it lacks something. It just didn't draw me into the topic for the full two hours in the way that "Bowling for Columbine" or even "Sicko" did. Good movie, but not Michael Moore's best in my eyes. 
    G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra: 1/5 - Well, a 1/5 may be a little harsh but I really was disappointed by this movie. Honestly I didn't expect a whole lot beyond the visual effects department. It was when (most of) the visual effects sucked as well, that I just shook my head in disappointment. 
    Well that's what I have watched in the past couple weeks. Usually I don't watch that many movies but I kept justifying it by saying that if I was playing video games I would be wasting more time than watching a movie. Probably turned out untrue but it's OK. I enjoyed my movie time. Oh and I still plan on writing a review of the Backspacer DLC album for Rock Band but I haven't had enough time playing it on each instrument to feel confident in writing a review yet. Probably sometime soon though. Maybe mid December when I'm on holiday break. 
    Now that I'm finally finished, I want to leave this unsettlingly long blog with a random ass picture: 

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    You know what? One more for good measure!

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    #2  Edited By Edin899

    I have the same carpet as the one in the controller picture.! No problem !
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    #3  Edited By Bigandtasty

    It is...the most interesting blog in the world.
    Stay thirsty, my friends.
    Anyway, your Blazers still have a lot of work if they want a ring =)

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    #4  Edited By AhmadMetallic

    Inglourious Basterds *

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    #5  Edited By JJWeatherman
    @Bigandtasty said:

    " It is...the most interesting blog in the world.  Stay thirsty, my friends.  Anyway, your Blazers still have a lot of work if they want a ring =) "

    They definitely still have a lot of work. I'm loving all the improvement from Greg Oden though. Last season it was a challenge for him to just avoid foul trouble and stay in games. This year he looks a lot lighter out there and is able to move and avoid the fouls, which leads to more playing time and more development. There is a little bit of confusion about what the starting lineup should be so far early in the season but it is starting to take shape now. It's a good thing the Blazers got to play some crappy teams early on while they figured everything out. Anyways I think they could have a shot at a title as soon as next year depending on how everything plays out.
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    #6  Edited By JJOR64

    I'm also trying to beat Castlevania: OoE as well.  Got to beat it eventually.  :P

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    #7  Edited By Claude

    (500) Days of Summer seems pretty cool. I had never heard of it. It's got that kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun in it.

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    #8  Edited By JJWeatherman
    @Claude said:
    " (500) Days of Summer seems pretty cool. I had never heard of it. It's got that kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun in it. "
    haha. Yeah, he also plays Cobra Commander in the GI Joe movie. He's much better in (500) Days of Summer though. Of course that was probably more the writer of GI Joe's fault than his.
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    #9  Edited By Godwind

    I have been overwhelmed by interest.

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    #10  Edited By Captainlunchbox

    This blog was almost too interesting to handle- though it is refreshing to see someone give some loud to handheld Castlevania games. Good read, sir.

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    #11  Edited By Afroman269

    Damn thread necromancers.

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    #12  Edited By TheGreatGuero

    Oh man. I bet bringing back these memories is painful for you, Weatherman. A time when Greg Oden actually played! Unbelievable!

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