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    Character »

    Gantu is a villain in Disney's "Lilo & Stitch" franchise who used to be Captain of the Galactic Armada until he was fired for failing to capture Experiment 626 (Stitch). He was then ordered by an evil scientist called Dr. Hämsterviel to collect all 625 experiments made before Stitch, but Gantu usually had difficulty in doing so. He later got his old job back at the end of the last film, "Leroy & Stitch".

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    265691 reverendhunt Game 08/01/23 08:31AM 10 done
    146560 SpongeBat1 Person 01/25/21 02:48PM 68 done
    110914 deactivated-5ebc7e8f4cebc Concept 04/30/20 03:34PM 20 done
    109870 videogamerkc Character 04/27/20 06:23PM 68 done
    109858 videogamerkc Character 04/27/20 06:08PM 64 done
    109838 videogamerkc Character 04/27/20 05:29PM 80 done
    109832 videogamerkc Character 04/27/20 05:15PM 72 done
    5606 videogamerkc Character 06/15/18 11:13PM 15 done

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