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    Forza Motorsport 3

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Oct 27, 2009

    Turn 10's third installment in the Forza series. Forza Motorsport 3 offers 100 tracks and 400 cars with full customization, as well as video editing and uploading.

    grilledcheez's Forza Motorsport 3 (Xbox 360) review

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    Game of the Year 2009

    While you may disagree with my initial assessment of the game (it being GOTY 2009), there is no denying the tremendous overall quality present and the amount of work put into this title.


     The previous two games in the Forza Motorsport franchise both raised the standards of racing simulation games.   Not only did they deliver some of the best physics and gameplay of any driving game ever released, they added depth to a genre that was accustomed to giving you cars and letting you “drive”.   Gran Turismo let you buy some performance upgrades and a chance few cosmetic upgrades, but Forza allowed the player to not only buy any part imaginable for the car, but create works of art on the outside through simplistic shapes and colors.   This level of customization, coupled with a unique system of leveling and unlocking allowed Forza to become the reigning king of the racing genre.


     Forza 3 shows that Turn 10 is focused on striving for perfection.   Forza 2 improved primarily upon the graphics and depth of the first game.   Forza 3, on the other hand, improves on every aspect of the game one could possibly think of.  


     The typical career mode has been renamed “Season mode” in this game.   In season mode the player races through different series and collects credits to buy more cars or things from other players online.   Each season is anchored by a specific class-based “Championship series” that consists of ever increasing amounts of races depending on which season it is (there are 6 seasons in total).   After completing one of the championship races, the player then gets to choose a new series based on how they have been playing the game to that point.   This season mode works well enough and gives a little bit of structure to the endless pile of races available.


     The game uses a brand new graphics engine that delivers jaw dropping visuals in HD.   The graphical leap between this game and Forza 2 is big and noticeable.   While the car models were fairly impressive in the previous titles, they are very realistic looking in Forza 3.   The environment outside of the track was always a point of criticism in every racing game.   This game again delivers in this department offering breathtaking valleys and green forests blanketing every turn.   Of course great graphics are not all the game has to offer…


     Forza 3 is an excellent example of how to give players the tools to make something cool and share it with others.   In Forza 2, the marketplace was introduced allowing players to sell cars to others with and without designs on them.    Turn 10 went back to the drawing board and completely revamped how the marketplace would function.   Players can now create “vinyl groups” and sell them independently from cars.   Designs made for specific cars can also be sold and applied to those cars.   EVEN replays and photos can be easily shared with others, this game has it all.


     The multiplayer has been upgraded as well.   The ever popular party system, that is present in many multiplayer games today, has been implemented in this game as well.   It serves as a great way for a group of friends to play together and have fun.   New game modes have been added including “Cat and mouse” that was popular in Forza 2, even though it wasn’t a real gametype in that game.


     Overall, Forza 3 is an excellent value with improvements over previous installments in every department.   A MUST OWN and my personal game of the year in 2009.

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