PlayStation Plus is absolutely killing it right now.

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Apparently PS+ FF VII Remake won't be eligible for a free upgrade to PS5, but seeing as that's a year old game that was one of the best of 2020 that's a great get. Plus Maquette, which is a new release, and Remnant from the Ashes, which is well regarded.

Plus Soulstorm is launching on PS+ in April. That means that for 4 out of 5 months we're seeing major (though not necessarily full price games) games launch on the service, and a lot of other really good stuff in there too, like Control and Maneater.

This is a murderer's row lineup for a $60 a year service, and it's following several months of really really good games. My hat's off to Sony here. I have criticized them for the PlayStation 4 collection requiring a PS5 (which are impossible to get) and the PS5 only version of games that are also on PS4, but the overall value is tremendous, and PS4 owners who don't have a PS5 yet but do have PS+ are building an outstanding library for when they get a PS5.

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I just hope the free PS4 digital version of FF7R doesn't stop me from upgrading my PS4 disc version if I get it. I don't really trust the PS infrastructure to not screw me over. Do we have any examples of disc versions getting free upgrades to digital PS5 versions?

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I'll now have Remnant From The Ashes on PC and PS5, having paid for neither, and will probably not get around to playing either version. Sorry, Remnant, I'm sure that you're a perfectly fine game.

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Remnant is a very good game that I highly recommend, if you have a couple friends to play with. Don't think it would be as good solo.

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#5  Edited By Gundato

@theonewhoplays: I want to say Nioh 2 and a few others explicitly listed how to upgrade a PS4 disc version and it is basically the same as upgrading a PS3 disc AssFlag to PS4 back in the day: You need to keep the disc in the drive when you play

Personally? If you are at all considering getting ff7r for PS5 I would not claim that PS+ game. With how Sony have cocked up just about everything related to infrastructure when it comes to the PS5 that makes me assume there will be a huge weeks long struggle to get Sony to remove PS+ versions so people can buy PS5 versions because anything else would make sense.


And yeah. Been considering grabbing Remnant for a while. In theory it is right up my alley (souls-ish game with guns in a post apocalyptic world with time loops) but it sounds like a LOT of the encounters/rooms are heavily geared toward coop and I tend to prefer these games solo on my first playthrough.

I guess I would say that this feels like it is very much on brand for sony this generation. Some really cool games and a REALLY nice drop for a lot of people marred by their complete incompetence at infrastructure and the need to make the PS5 experience at convoluted and stupid as possible.

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#6  Edited By navster15

End of gen is the best time for PS+. I remember 2012-2014 being just month after month of PS3 bangers. Glad the tradition is continuing.

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#7  Edited By senorsucks2suck

They are absolutely killing it. Even the PS4 collection might have been a mistake and they probably should have just drip fed those games monthly through ps plus. All of my typical knocks about the lack of PSVR titles or there not being a native PS5 games don’t apply here. I chose the XBox service subscription over PSPlus for the permanence of "free" 360 titles and the well of missed 360 games is a much more curious quantity than all of the PS4 games that I've been tracking for years. Had a PS5 from target in my basket yesterday but the allure of backwards compatible titles in Xbox and maybe getting a Switch with Animal Crossing are likely my next gaming move.

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Remnant is a very good game that I highly recommend, if you have a couple friends to play with. Don't think it would be as good solo.

@gundato said:

And yeah. Been considering grabbing Remnant for a while. In theory it is right up my alley (souls-ish game with guns in a post apocalyptic world with time loops) but it sounds like a LOT of the encounters/rooms are heavily geared toward coop and I tend to prefer these games solo on my first playthrough.

It's mostly the bosses that can be frustrating to fight by yourself (at least on the first playthrough) when you don't have anyone to help manage the constantly spawning adds. Aside from that, I had a good time playing solo.

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#9  Edited By JonRambo

Very excited. I almost bought FF7 last weekend. I claimed Control but haven't started it yet. I want a PS5, but I have such a backlog of games that I'm interested in that I'm in no rush.

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@gundato said:

Been considering grabbing Remnant for a while. In theory it is right up my alley (souls-ish game with guns in a post apocalyptic world with time loops) but it sounds like a LOT of the encounters/rooms are heavily geared toward coop and I tend to prefer these games solo on my first playthrough.

FWIW I did my first playthrough of Remnant solo--because like you, I tend to prefer solo plays first--and enjoyed it just fine. And I liked it enough that afterward I roped in a couple of friends and we co-oped all the way through again.

The only crappy thing is that the multiplayer scaling for teams of different levels has always been bad. Supposedly they made some adjustments at some point, but it still sucks. In my case it meant that I had to start a new character when I began playing with my buddies, otherwise I would have been ROFLstomping things while they got their asses kicked. You want to try to stay at around the same level and same gear score.

Aside from that quibble and some weird bugs now and again, I enjoyed my time with that game a lot. I ended up putting hundreds of hours into it between co-op and solo. I played it on PS4 and haven't downloaded it to my PS5 yet, but I've kinda had an itch lately to give it a download and see how it performs on the new system, no idea if it's gotten any sort of patch to take advantage of the PS5's extra oomph...

Oh, and also, yes, I do in fact have a PS4 disc copy of Nioh 2 and that's exactly how it works, the PS5 version as free as long as your disc remains in the drive. I assume it will be the same for FF7 Remake.

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Thanks for clarifying wrt how the disk upgrade works, thanks!

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That FF7 upgrade stuff is a little confusing, I wonder if they're going to have the PS+ version as a separate downloadable or how will they check if you're eligible for a free upgrade or not? Given that the Playstation store is notoriously bad about this stuff. As someone with an eye already on the PS5 version this poses a dilemma - play it for free on the PS4, or pay full price for the PS5 edition.

But overall it's easy to agree that the PS+ offerings have been really good and are easily wiping the floor with Xbox Games with Gold. Xbox had a decent month of February, but that's probably because they tried to do the price increase at the same time. The Xbox March games are absolutely horrible (no offense to Metal Slug 3 but there are so many ways to play it already) and I'm probably not even going to redeem them to my account because I don't want any random bullshit in there.

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PS+ has been a nice headache, I've quite a few times starred at the game collection afraid to start anything cause I know I really don't have the time.

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#14  Edited By senorsucks2suck

@apewins: It took more effort to type out your reason than the amount of time it would take you to redeem the titles. I guess you are really adamant and that will show them.

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@senorsucks2suck: It's not about the effort, I don't need garbage games that I'm never going to play needlessly filling my library and making it harder for me to find games that I actually do want to play. I know you can hide games, but again... why redeem something just to immediately hide it?

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Control is damn near unplayable on a base PS4. Was pretty jazzed they gave it away. Then tried to play it and the particles and debris make that game CHUG. I'm going to play it on a next gen console when I get one. It's performance is below the line.

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@apewins: "As someone with an eye already on the PS5 version this poses a dilemma - play it for free on the PS4, or pay full price for the PS5 edition."

Or pick up a cheap disc copy on eBay, which will inevitably see a price drop with it going on ps+, and then use it to get the upgrade for free? Sure, you'll still need to buy the Yuffie dlc, but it'll all work out much cheaper than buying the PS5 version on release.

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I wonder if they ever roll PS Now into Plus a la Game Pass Ultimate. Seems like they probably should. I don't know what their numbers are for PS Now, but considering the seeming lack of word of mouth of that thing, I'd assume a $15 bundle of the two, and the PS Plus name attached, would probably do better then selling them for $10 each. But maybe Now is doing fine as is. I have no idea.

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#19  Edited By djredbat

@apewins: Just checked Amazon and the PS4 version is on sale for $30 not sure what the DLC price is but it will probably be between $10 and $20 still cheaper then the $70 for the PS5 version.

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Remnant from the Ashes is 100% the type of thing I wouldn't actively spend money on, but might play with friends is we all get it on a service like PS+.

And, well, shit. I guess I got no excuse not to play FF7 now, huh?

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Nice to hear about this!

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@brian_ said:

I wonder if they ever roll PS Now into Plus a la Game Pass Ultimate. Seems like they probably should. I don't know what their numbers are for PS Now, but considering the seeming lack of word of mouth of that thing, I'd assume a $15 bundle of the two, and the PS Plus name attached, would probably do better then selling them for $10 each. But maybe Now is doing fine as is. I have no idea.

You can get PS+ for $60 a year and PS Now for $60 a year, and if you look around you can get both of those for less then there $60 retail price. I would rather pay $120 a year and have the option of one or the other at only $60 rather then $15 a month adding up to $180 a year. What Sony needs to do is market PS Now and kind of relaunch it talking about how it has changed. I think the launch of it as a rental streaming service is still in peoples heads, not what it currently is where you can actually download PS4 (not PS3) games, and online play for the games in PS Now is included with the subscription. They also need to work on some back end stuff, people have had problems redeeming PS+ games because they "own" them with PS Now, which is the main reason i haven't subbed to PS Now.

But i get it for my brother in law because for the price of one game he gets a years worth of hundreds of games.