Announcing our new game, it's Jet-Getters!!

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Edited By I_smell

First off; thanks especially to Drew, who seems to be the one who always remembers SpeedRunners in conversations about multiplayer games. I love hearing GiantBomb talk about our games, it fuckin lights me up.

Hey remember when I kept going on about hijacking aeroplanes? Well it turns out I was just designing a videogame. Now I can talk about it!

Yep. Kickstarter. We pitched to investors all over the world, but investors have never played Just Cause 2. Ask me about how that went, I can talk about it.

So we're doing this Kickstarter, and I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just can't sell people on badges, and trinkets, and dinner with the developer for two thousand dollars, y'know? It's nuts, the world of kickstarters is crazy and scary. I don't wanna offer people to design levels and characters, cos I really just want every part in this game to be a cohesive piece of the puzzle- I mean that's what game design is, right? Stretch goals and cameos are so weird to think about from a pure design perspective, it's all just worrying.

So we waited on this idea until we really had everything lined up, we shook a lot o hands, and I'm pretty happy to say that our rewards are just videogames.

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This is everyone we've worked with over the passed year or so, we made a bundle out of it. Some of these games aren't out yet, but they'll be out soon. I think a bundle is a good clean way to raise money, so I hope this picks up. We're gonna keep makin friends out there, so who knows what games are gonna be in the next one. Exciting, right!?

Also ten copies of Jet-Getters, so we can have a big full server on release. Makes us look like a super popular game, and you'd rather play with eachother than with strangers anyway, right? Also you get to be a real nice santa clause guy-- look everybody wins, that's the thing.

I could talk about the game, but it's all on the page, and I'm gonna be talkin about this game for the next 6 months. We're kind of itching for a news site to write an article on us so we can get some traction right now. Here's us two testing out the video camera in the office!

Guess which one I am! I'll give you a clue: I fucking hate that thumbnail!

More office meeting videos to come. Does anyone watch all the DoubleFine stuff here? I love seeing all that.

Yea I could talk and talk and talk about this one; ask me anything, I guess! Wanna know about design or development stuff? I'm doing more directing than actual asset production now for the first time, it's really weird. I'll be in the office all month to be involved with guys like you while everyone else is at GDC and PAX. Bummer!

I mean uh--- cool!

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Aw, nice, glad to see this is a real thing now. And thats a really cool way to set up a kickstarter. yay videogames!

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I remember when you guys were just starting with that kickstarter of No time to explain and had the prototype up somewhere. Feels like forever ago now.

Anyway, the new game looks cool. I don't have any money to put towards your kickstarter but maybe if things turn around. We'll see. Good luck with it though!

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#3  Edited By I_smell

Yeah I'm more just talking about it so I can get into the habit of talking about it.

The No Time web game wasn't a prototype btw, it was a game I made I a weekend. A finished game! We only decided to build on it like 2 months later.

OH speaking of NTTE by the way, we're working on a Unity port of that. So yknow, controller support, better stability, ready for other platforms, should be a lot cleaner soon.

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Loved NTTE (haven't played SpeedRunners yet, need to do something about that), so I'll give your Kickstarter some money! Good luck with your Kickstarter dude!

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You guys were so nice to give me speedrunners for free because I was in the beta, I just had to back your new game the second I saw the email. I also like what I saw in the trailer too. lol

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Best of luck to you guys, man. Those investors are missing out!

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#7  Edited By awesomeusername

I really liked the simple look and bright colors. I hope your Kickstarter does well. I'm to poor to contribute anything. I'd like to play it (on a PlayStation platform) one day though. I'll try and get the word around on other sites though!

By the way, your game was featured on Screwattack, Destructoid and RockPaperShotgun!

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I can see myself playing this. Good luck!

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#9  Edited By superNoid

Looks fun!

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#10  Edited By I_smell

Been stuck on this design problem in JetGetters for a while where everyone's flying around really fast. It means that people are either really far away from you, or zooming right by you too quick to really have some fun combat.

So one of the kickstarter backers today linked me to a game called SkyDrift!

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Awesome! Ontop of looking really cool, you can see that SkyDrift is a kart-racing type of game. This means that everyone's in this clean chase formation, which is great for combat and everything we're doing.

Maybe if I could design a game mode that would herd people around a track like this, even if it wasn't a race, then we could provoke some fun chasing combat scenarios. Exciting! Gonna look into it.