The GB Album Club 053 - Sanguivore by Creeper

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#1  Edited By UncleJam23

Duders! Welcome to the 53rd edition of the Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club! Last week, we got dark and aggressive with a grindcore album. This week, we're still dark, but rather than aggressive darkness, it's more of a goth theatrical kind of darkness, as our our album this time is Sanguivore by Creeper! This album was selected by our good pal @sombre, and you can listen with the links below:


Apple Music:


Here at the Unofficial GB Album Club, we built a pool of albums in our Discord and we choose one at random every week to listen to and discuss! If that sounds good to you, come on down!

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I've never been one for the more theatrical kind of goth rock. Vampires in love and all that. Granted, I spent a good portion of my year reading short scripts and short stories for a horror writing competition, and thus my cup hasn't runneth over so much as been washed away in a flood when it comes to this kind of thing. But even if this weren't the case, it was just never my cup of tea. I don't have a good reason to give you as to why. Whatever signals light up in your brain that determine your taste evaluated the more theater-y side of goth and told my brain "no."

So, sadly, I can't say this album was for me. Musically, it's perfectly fine, and as for the more over-the-top lyrics, I can't really tell if Creeper is in on the joke or not. Either way, it struck me as corny. I am not fun.

But here's the thing: I can't really find it in myself to be mad at this.

Needlessly condescending metaphor: It would be like getting mad at a little adorable puppy for peeing on the floor. Sure, it's not a pleasant experience. But how angry are you really going to get? Similarly, yes, I found this album a touch cheesy. But the thing is that Creeper is so sincere about what it's doing that hating it just feels mean in this roundabout way.

So no, it's not my thing. But it's easy to imagine that kind of person who will really love this album, and to that person, I'm happy this exists for you. I know that sounds like I'm talking down, but I don't mean to. I also realize I didn't really say much here. But this is one of those albums where you can listen to a song or two and you'll know pretty quickly whether or not it's for you. You don't need my or anyone's thoughts.

Favorite Songs: "Further Than Forever," "The Ballad of Spook and Mercy," "Black Heaven"