Crash 4 - where is the quick look

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I honestly think crash is an overlooked platformer and it holds up even better than nostalgia 64. The game gets a bad side-eye cause its similar to infinite runners even thou it came out before the trend of popular phone game infinite runners. Anyway my point. I think if at least one person on the crew plays it could get a mention in GOTY hell even a 10th place. The new game is good. That said. In the past, no one plays past the first few levels before considering it an ok platformer. Missing out since all mascot major platformers or most start off super easy and simple. IDK just venting. XD can't wait for goty. There are tons of good games regardless of what people say and I hope they dont cancel it cause of 2020.

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I'm truly surprised at how much I love this game. It feels like the Dark Souls of cuddly platformers. I die ... a lot ... but it always feels like my fault. Finishing the levels is easy, completing the levels is usually very hard. Getting the blue gem feels impossible.

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#3  Edited By glots

I feel like Alex and Vinnny could *maybe* do a video of it...don’t think GBWest has much fondness for Crash. If Dan was still here, we likely would have one by now.

I can barely form a goty list including five games I’ve played this year, let alone top ten, but I think there’s a pretty low chance of Crash ending up on GB’s goty list.

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#4  Edited By bigsocrates

I think @glots nailed it. This just isn't a game that's in the wheelhouse for any of the current GB presenters, and it's also not that accessible because of the high difficulty. You have to be a fan of tough 3D platformers to really enjoy it. I think Brad comes the closest (he certainly enjoys tough as nails 2D platformers) but I can't think of a difficult 3D platformer he really vibed with.

I wouldn't be surprised if they slot it in somewhere and play the first few levels, but this just isn't the site for in depth coverage of that game, and I don't think it will make the GOTY discussion.

This year has already had a lot of games that have done well with the GB crew. Animal Crossing. Hades. Spelunky 2. Tony Hawk Remake. Final Fantasy 7 remake. And there are a bunch more that have resonated well and we still have the final quarter, with some of the biggest releases, yet to come. I think Crash may make some of the lists solicited from non GB people, but 2020 has actually been a strong year and for people who aren't into Crash this game isn't going to change minds.

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Figured it'd be worth a look, considering there's plenty of history to talk about, too.

It helps that the game is great. They like to make fun of Knack, but this is a true return to that style of platforming and it holds up beautifully.

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@csl316: Knack isn't really a 3D platformer. It's more of a God of War 1-3 style brawler with some light platforming in it (more than in God of War, but not a ton more.)

It's also a really really weird game that deserves to be made fun of.

Making fun of Knack doesn't mean they hate 3D platformers (I don't think they do; and Jeff reviewed a bunch of the PS2 era platformers pretty positively) but when was the last time they actually talked about one, even though there have been a lot recently?

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Hopefully things kick into gear this week today and it's just some tech issues. been a little quiet.

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@bigsocrates: Yep, it's not a straight 3D platformer, which was disappointing when I played it. I expected a Crash game because that's kind of what they were pushing it as. A return to 3D platforming. Once I accepted that it was a cartoony God of War instead, I actually grew to like those games.

But I still wanted a Crash game and now I have it.

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Rorie might look into it as he’s been doing some of the oddball side stuff lately. While I wasn’t loving all the content when they were streaming daily, I do sort of miss the consistency of it and the opportunity it gave them to look into these sort of games. The downside was obviously the single person nature of those Quick Looks.

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#10  Edited By ToughShed

@humanity said:

Rorie might look into it as he’s been doing some of the oddball side stuff lately. While I wasn’t loving all the content when they were streaming daily, I do sort of miss the consistency of it and the opportunity it gave them to look into these sort of games. The downside was obviously the single person nature of those Quick Looks.

personally the site was losing me hard so I'm so happy they finally changed. Maybe a quick look stream of sorts would be cool to cover some of this stuff in a UPF kinda way.

But personally I am happy to see GB do less quick look and more features. There's so many other ways to see a quick view of a game nowadays.

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I'm expecting them to get around to doing one, eventually.

I'm personally loving the game, with the only caveats being the look and tone sometimes, as it's not exactly what I imagined from the first 3 games. It's fine for what it is, though.

Really love what they've managed to make with the core of the platforming in the originals, and also that it is as platforming focused as it is, and not overstuffed with mini-games like Crash 3.

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I mean they have been pretty backed up when it comes to quick looks most of them have been delayed like a week.

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I can understand why the GB team might not be enthused to QL this game. I didnt think I was gonna like it, I didnt think I was ever going to love an "old school" platformer again. Just turned out I was wrong, and I'm glad.

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#14  Edited By jsmith79327

Crash 4 is the bandicoot game ive been waiting over 20 years for. Its everything that I could have hoped for in a game called "Crash Bandicoot 4"

I think that its an age thing in terms of fondness for games like Donkey Kong Country and Crash Bandicoot. It seems like its mainly people of a certain age group that were young and grew up with alot of these platformer games that really adore them, while i tend to see very few people who were already older at their time of release that actually care about them. I was a kid when those games came out and played them obsessively because i had to wait for birthdays or holidays until i would get new games. I wonder if i woulda been in my teens and 20s during the 90s that maybe i wouldn't revere some of these platformer franchises the way that i do.

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I love that Mario 64 can be derided as 'Nostalgia 64' when being compared to Crash Bandicoot, a game series that is so mired in "Well at the time it looked really good" it's hard to take seriously. The gameplay was just this one note that traded more in bs than in actual challenge. I haven't played Crash 4, but I can guarantee this if it makes it into the GB top10 list it means we've lived through one of the worst years to be playing games.

All Crash games are bad.

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@themaniacsgnome: Crash 2 looked better than Mario 64. They literally used a technique that in lame man terms super clocked the memory to push polygons and what not just to make it look so good hell it looks good today i just included that caveat in case we have graphics snobs...Saying the game wasn't challenging when most today think its dark souls hard. Then thinking mario 64 is harder or more challenging is a laugh as well. Rest assured it will not make it on the list due to no one playing it or growing up with the series. That said I'm sure you'll find something on their list you'll like more. What are you looking forward to? Id like to hear from a non fan what makes you content. Yes the nostalgia 64 bit was harsh and mostly a joke but i think we rose color Mario 64 as seen in the recent quick look. Its a good game but has flaws people overlook to bring up since its considered the best platformer of its age etc. There are documentaries on why naughty dog's crash game franchise was such an underdog and how it pushed them into greatness. The dna is even felt in some games like uncharted etc.

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I love that Mario 64 can be derided as 'Nostalgia 64' when being compared to Crash Bandicoot, a game series that is so mired in "Well at the time it looked really good" it's hard to take seriously. The gameplay was just this one note that traded more in bs than in actual challenge. I haven't played Crash 4, but I can guarantee this if it makes it into the GB top10 list it means we've lived through one of the worst years to be playing games.

All Crash games are bad.

I might have just quoted a troll but here goes:

Can't agree with this at all when it comes to Crash 2 and 3 (not 1). Both games have a ton of variety in level design and challenge, and I'm not talking about gimmick levels either. There's a lot of fun to be had in both games. The gimmick levels are hit and miss - I could do without the airplane stuff in 3 and 2's jetpack levels are hot garbage - but the levels that build on core gameplay are almost all great.

If you're playing Crash games past the PS1 era, things get a little dicier quality-wise. Naughty Dog went on to make Jak and Daxter and someone else started working on Crash games and it really showed.

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#19 FinalDasa  Moderator

Not every game gets a Quick Look. GB has never been about covering every single game. If someone on the staff thinks it's worth a QL, it'll get one, otherwise I think most people know what to expect from a Crash game.