Corded mice that don't suck?

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I have a mouse problem, and I'm not talking about the little bastards hiding in my walls who occasionally sneak out and eat my potholders for whatever reason (that last part is true - it's happened twice!). I like corded mice, which I know a bunch of you are going to read and say "but ackshually why don't you use a wireless mouse." Just... don't. I like corded mice. Okay? Are we clear on that? I. Like. Corded. Mice. No recommendations for cordless mice. None. Stop it. Stop it right now.

So here's the catch. Currently, my PC setup necessitates my tower be on the left of my monitor, my mouse on the right, but EVERY time my mouse cord gets a ltitle bit tweaked, my mouse says "fuck it, I'm out" and decides to go halfway unresponsive, usually just streaking across the screen in diagonal slow ways. It's an old mouse at that, and an upgrade couldn't hurt. So hit me with those sweet, swet corded mouse recommendations, preferably ones that have a little bit more hair on their mouse balls about the cord resting against something and twisting. Get it? Mouse balls? Yeah, you get it.

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I have an MSI Clutch GM30 and it's dead simple and I love it. Tower on left, tiny tray-mounted mousepad on the right, so the cord is always hanging over the edge, but that bad boy stay put because there's a little sheath on the cord right there, almost like someone at MSI got sick of cords dragging their mice away.

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#3  Edited By Junkerman

I hate wireless mice and only use chorded. Ive been using a Razer DeathAdder for maybe 14 years? Im only on my second during that time and only because the little adhesive pads on the bottom that allow it to glide on surfaces sort of delaminated and stopped sticking to mouse bottom. Probably could have just fixed it myself but I wanted a nice crisp fresh mouse without 11 years of sweaty gammer hand seeping into the cracks.

I cant see the new design even having that problem as the pads themselves are now massive and conform to the front and rear of the mouse and arent these tiny little "feet" like on the old one. Either way for a hundred dollar mouse lasting for probably thousands of hours I felt like I got my monies worth out of it. No issues with drift or clicking that a shot of canned air every 4 or 5 years didnt fix in a flash.

*A bit about myself, pretty neat and tidy and take good care of my tech and dont eat and game at the same time so milege may vary.

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Thanks for the recommendations. Keep 'em coming, if anyone else has any.

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#5  Edited By cikame

You don't need to qualify wanting a wired mouse i f***ing hate battery powered things. I use a Logitech G Pro and it's easily the best mouse i've ever had.

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I experimented with ergonomic and fancy mouse shapes but everything gave me wrist pain, i have large hands and thought i needed something larger or specialised but actually a bog standard boring mouse shape is the best for me, specifically i need an area on the side for my ring finger to rest on and it's surprising how many mice have a sharp bit there or the right click button curves over the side leading to accidental clicks, i've had mine for 5 years hard use and it's still going strong, i used the software once to save my sensitivity to the on-board memory and haven't needed it since.

You may already have one, but i highly recommend a cable bungee to prevent pulling the cable and holding it over stuff.

(inserting small images is killing me)

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#6  Edited By Ben_H

Lots of Starcraft players use the G Pro and like it a lot. For a more budget option, I know a lot of folks who like the G203 though it can have problems with double clicks after a while depending on how much you use it. If you like lots of buttons, the most popular go-to option is the G502, which can be bought for fairly cheap when it's on sale (My understanding is that this is the most popular games-oriented mouse in general. this is what I'm going to get once my current mouse dies. Lots of folks swear by the G502). I tend to stay away from Razer mice because their software is annoying. My last new mouse was a Razer and I wasn't a fan so I tend to stick with Logitech.

Also, yeah there's no need to justify wanting to use a wired mouse. I think the tech industry in general's push for everything to be wireless and battery powered is pretty gross and wasteful, especially since so much of it doesn't have easily replaceable batteries which makes things e-waste once the batteries go. This is extra gross given how most of these products don't seem to last very long anymore. I went through a pair of wireless headphones a year for several years before I finally gave up and went back to mostly using wired.

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@cikame: The Rule of Sparky says that any question I ask online will result in people responding with answers that don't pertain to my question. So say for example I say, hey, what's your favorite chicken recipes? I'll get four or five answers about chicken, sure, but there's always going to be at least a couple yahoos who say, "You should eat beef or pork instead." That is doubly true when it comes to video games or tech related questions.

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Have you considered a wireless mouse?

Hear me out.

If the specific type of cord is a factor, a wireless mouse might weirdly work for you since you can use most of them in wired mode - this would allow you to supply a USB cable of your choice (and replace it if the same thing should happen). The only downside is you'd be paying for wireless functionality you wouldn't be using.

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The Rule of Sparky in action, folks.