The Official BETHESDA Thread

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#1  Edited By Marino  Staff
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Congrats to @jeremyf on winning this year's Bethesda banner contest!

processr's Todd Howard "destroy" banner was in 2nd place. And willhous' blurred Nike t-shirt banner came in 3rd.

The Official BETHESDA Thread

They've got some 'splainin' to do.
They've got some 'splainin' to do.

E3 is the place for announcing never before seen games. It's exciting, fast-paced stuff and we're all enthusiastic to start talking about all the new toys. But, please keep in-depth discussions about specific games in their respective forums. For more information about how to help us keep things organized, go check out the GB vs E3 Official Player's Guide!

In an attempt to keep the E3 shenanigans organized, the mods institute these official discussion threads for each conference so that everybody has a go-to place to discuss them before, during, and after the show.

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Keep Discussions On Topic

This thread is exclusively for the general discussion of the Bethesda press conference. Discussion involving the other company's conferences should be taken to their respective threads (once they're posted).

Specific Announcements

Hey! A new thing to put Skyrim on!
Hey! A new thing to put Skyrim on!

To help you get where you need to go to talk about anything announced or shown during this press conference, we have created a list of them right here:

Where Can I Watch?

Sunday, June 9 @ 5:30 PM PDT (Your Local Time)

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#2  Edited By Rosur

Reckon we will see:

  • Doom Eternal = release date trailer, plus info on the MP side
  • Wolfenstein - Another trailer
  • Starfield - Worldbuilding trailer (likely just CGI though)
  • Fallout 76 - a big update trailer
  • New IP trailer - as have been rumoured
  • Some mobile game updates

Really looking forward to seeing more Doom Eternal atm.

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Thanks for picking me! Glad I got it in before my Creative Cloud expires.

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@jeremyf: Congrats duder! The doom guy "wow" face gave me a good surprise. Nice work.

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@jeremyf: Congrats! Now to see if I can get your banner on my toaster.

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Glad Tango still gets to make games.

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Doom Eternal in November woot. Doom definitely got me hyped up.

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It was fine. Doom looks good but I feel like I didn't get a whole lot more out of this year's reveal than I did last year's. Same with Wolfenstein. Ghostwire and Deathloop look cool but only CGI doesn't give us much to go on.

They need to reign in the crowd though, jesus. Presenters can't finish a sentence without somebody shouting.

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Doom and Wolfenstein were awesome. I am not at all surprised

I think they went a bit overboard on stacking the crowd in their favor.

I'll probably give ESO another shot and inevitably bounce off again when I remember that it is just Hellgate with fun quests.

The new Arkane game could be interesting, but I need to see how that gameplay manifests. Still, Groundhogs Day with Ultraviolence could be fun

And I am hoping that Tokyo Syndrome or whatever the game the Evil Within folk are making is actually fun. Evil Within 2 was right up there with Dead Island in terms of a game with a positively breahtaking trailer that had jack shit to do with the game. If they can get the gameplay to match the aesthetics this could be one of my "perfect games"

Aside from that: Meh. Very stacked crowd and half assed acknowledgements of F76 and Blades being trash.

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Jeff's talk about Doom Eternal got me more hyped than anything that appeared in the actual presentation lol.

GhostWire: Tokyo really interests me as a Resident Evil junkie. I greatly enjoyed the psychological horror aspects of The Evil Within and would love to see that team's ideas fleshed out in a pretty original setting.

I thought playing up the basic features that they're finally adding to FO76 spoke to the state that game released in, and it kind of came off as non-apologetic. So I was pretty disappointed by that.

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Damn whatever makes these guys in the first row freak out constantly, Bethesda should really look into it and make it stop.

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Damn whatever makes these guys in the first row freak out constantly, Bethesda should really look into it and make it stop.

They really should. I don't know if the person is trying to be a bit of a dick or thinks they're just being funny, but they're putting off people who are trying to give a tightly worded presentation on a stage in front of hundreds of people and being streamed to thousands. You're just making it way more difficult for these people.

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@wolfstein_3d: It's called money. The majority of big companies have paid actors in the front row to hype up the rest of the crowd. Honestly I think this year more than just the front row were plants.

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@casepb said:

@wolfstein_3d: It's called money. The majority of big companies have paid actors in the front row to hype up the rest of the crowd. Honestly I think this year more than just the front row were plants.

I heard that theory a couple of times but don't buy it. If Bethesda would have paid actors/influencers in the front row it still doesn't work. All the feedback out there from the past years as well as this year is pretty much exclusively negative as the reactions are more often completely off. Also it happens to that extreme extend only at Bethesda.

That in itself would have made them reconsider their approach and at least they would have made sure these people would tone it down a bit.

Another (more likely) theory in my eyes at least is that it's actually devs themselves that they place up front. Not sure about that one either since again - based on all the feedback Bethesda's conferences got on that particular topic the past years, one would assume they would ask people not to go into overdrive all the time.

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@casepb: No companies need to pay anyone to be at their events and yell for their games.

The guy who yelled up at Keanu is a guy called Peter Sark who runs a small sized (<5K subs) Xbox focused Youtube channel.

I'd put money behind it that the guy yelling at the TES stuff is just trying to be funny to get attention for this social media channels. Someone whose trying to cash in on what became the joke that some woman started three years ago when she spent the whole conference screaming at everything.

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@jesus_phish: I dunno, there were a few points where presenters seemed to pause as though they were expecting it. Getting close to tinfoil hat territory, but I am pretty sure Bethesda wanted something like this.

@casepb said:

@wolfstein_3d: It's called money. The majority of big companies have paid actors in the front row to hype up the rest of the crowd. Honestly I think this year more than just the front row were plants.

I heard that theory a couple of times but don't buy it. If Bethesda would have paid actors/influencers in the front row it still doesn't work. All the feedback out there from the past years as well as this year is pretty much exclusively negative as the reactions are more often completely off. Also it happens to that extreme extend only at Bethesda.

Are they? Ignoring the lack of any need to pay people to act like jackasses, the Rise of the Influencer and just general anecdotal evidence checking forums makes it seem like this is what people want. Folk want "hype" and the best way to do that is to start a cheer

It is Robert Baratheon starting the cheer for Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale. It is the laugh track on every sitcom from the 80s and 90s... and the big bang theory. It is people getting angry when a wrestling crowd "was bad" and didn't cheer loud enough for them to realize they should enjoy the match.

For you and me that was annoying as shit. For The Internet? I am sure plenty of folk were screaming right along with it and now genuinely want to play F76.

Hell, I am probably going to reinstall ESO so I can bounce right back off of it again. I'd like to think it was just the awesome trailer that has nothing to do with how the game plays, but... yeah.

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I cannot stand all of the yelling and screaming after every sentence during this conference and the last couple that Bethesda has put on.

It is super off putting and does not make me laugh or feel excited about the games they are showing, it just makes me want to turn off the stream.

If these people are hired by Bethesda, they need to stop doing that. If these people are simply just fans, then they need to learn when it’s appropriate to cheer. Bethesda security needs to escort these people out of the audience if they continue this behavior.

Super distracting.

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#18  Edited By MindBullet

Having Todd come out to basically apologize for Fallout 76 while also hyping it up, then bringing out two separate people to announce the next expac has... Battle Royale, NPCs and dialogue was surreal and hilarious.

Deathloop, Ghostwire, DOOM and Wolfenstein all look great though.

I don't think the distracting fans were plants. My theory is that certain people remember the screaming lady from a couple years back and how she won minor internet fame and have wanted a chance to be the next 'Screaming Bethesda Fan'.

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I don't think the distracting fans were plants. My theory is that certain people remember the screaming lady from a couple years back and how she won minor internet fame and have wanted a chance to be the next 'Screaming Bethesda Fan'.

There were a number of occasions though where the camera conveniently knew exactly where to find them

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Other than Doom and Wolfensteien, Bethesda just do not seem to know what in the hell they are doing at all.

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#21  Edited By hansberg

I agree with those who have said that the screaming jackasses need to stop. I also don't believe that they are plants. The camera did seem to find them, but then when you have people who are going well out of their way to get noticed then that becomes a simple matter.

I don't feel that these conferences must be a stiff affair, but some expectation of behavior should be acceptable. People are trying to do their jobs on stage and in the audience, people at home are just trying to watch, and the self serving look at me nonsense is disruptive. It's okay to have expectations and to quietly remove people.