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    Far Cry

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Mar 26, 2004

    Far Cry is a first-person shooter PC game developed by Crytek Germany. Meet Jack Carver, who is having a rough day - they blew up his boat, they chased him into the jungle, and now they're shooting at him. Too bad they don't know Jack.

    sadexchange's Far Cry (PC) review

    Avatar image for sadexchange

    An excellent FPS for any avid gamer.

    This has to be one of the best, if not the best looking game out for right now, being a week before Doom 3 comes out Far Cry was released on March 23 of 2004 and has been awing fans ever since.

    Utilizing the CryEngine produced by Crytek, a company out of Germany, Far Cry is definitely the most detailed, colorful engine out on the block today. The game's physics scream out to you when you plug a mercenary in the head with a sniper rifle from 200 yards away and you watch his body fall over the railing of his guard tower and tumble to the ground below. The smoothness of the engine is a credit to the developers for making the game run even on my old comp which only had a 600 MHz CPU with a Geforce 420MX with 384 MB Ram. That's a feat in itself. True, you don't see the natural beauty this game portrays with that type of rig, but once I loaded it up on my new system, I was sincerely amazed by the amount of jaw dropping graphics in this game from the first level alone.

    The CryEngine also has great A.I. in itself and can been seen when you happen upon a group of mercenaries for the first time. After they realize that you're around, they spread out and try to flank you. They actually use strategic tactics to take you out. They act necessary to the situation, whatever it may be. Whether they find a body or see that someone is missing on their guard duty.

    Throughout the game's 20 levels where you battle everything from an ordinary foot soldier to a mutant that has a rocket for a hand reminiscent to the huge demon in Doom. You'll scream at your monitor screen as you plug multiple clips into the beast’s armor body as you wait for it to drop before it decides to plug you with yet another rocket.

    The story of the game is done decently, nothing spectacular, but the cinematic movies in-between mostly every level has a great amount of detail that will keep your eyes from blinking properly because of the amount of realism.

    The level of difficultly has definitely gone up in games of the times. Far Cry, even though looking like an ordinary first person shooter (FPS), will have you repeatedly hitting the quickload button to finish each mission. A new feature, not used by many FPS's is the unique saving feature which saves only after you proceed through the mission enough. There isn't a quicksave feature which has lead some fans to some annoyance, but it also keeps the difficulty level pretty high. I myself, have known a few people to just skip the last level because of how difficult it truly is. A patch known as version 1.1 has been released to fix up the few bugs that have been present after release and a new patch labeled 1.2 has also been released to answer the quicksave feature among other nice features, but it has been recently redrawn from the net stating that it has been hurting some people's game because of graphical errors in Radeon series of graphics cards.

    But, there are always short-comings in games of course and this game has few. One could complain about the end-cinematic movie being way too short for the amount of pain and tears that the player has gone through during the game. Also, some people have found the difficulty too hard, even on the easiest setting, but the other end of the spectrum could say, suck it up. So, for this game, I give the following scores...

    Other reviews for Far Cry (PC)

      Far Cry Review by VAC 0

      This was easierly one of the best games thats hit the PC market in a very long time. As a first person shooter lover myself, i felt like a lot of these games were becoming tiresome and dull to be honest.  I remember seeing pictures and screenshots in magazines and online about this game a good 6 months before it came out and was imediately wow'd out by it. Its every you want in a decent FPS and had a fairly decent multiplayer aswell, considering it wasn't its main feature.The graphics were State...

      1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      Far Cry 0

       Far Cry was now released six years ago, and it's in a weird place in gaming history. It has some modern ideas, but it also sort of screams out that it's the last big shooter before Half-Life 2. Its mix of forward-thinking elements and artifacts of old school shooting seems strange now, and it ends up as a game worth checking out if maybe not playing through all the way.Graphically, it's a mixed bag these days. The environments still look really nice if you pump up the effects, with long ...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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