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    Fallout 4

    Game » consists of 14 releases. Released Nov 10, 2015

    The Fallout series continues in a post-apocalyptic Boston, Massachusetts.

    How has your experience with Fallout 4 been on your console?

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    So, I finished the main story on PS4 and I've only had two significant issues in >70 hours of play, level 45 character. In one mission, I continually clipped through the building I was infiltrating until I reset the game, and toward the end I had a massive frame rate drop (perhaps single digits) that lasted about 30 seconds. That's it. The weird thing about the frame rate drop is that it happened when I was in the mouth of a tunnel with no enemies, but, as I said, it cleared up in about 1/2 a minute. Now, I assume there were other frame rate drops that I missed as it's just not something I'm that sensitive too (been playing on consoles for years and haven't had a PC gaming rig in that time), but definitely nothing I thought hampered gameplay at all. Anyone else have a similar experience? Also, on the day of release, Sony had a system update that I applied before playing. Since many reviewers were reviewing the game before the system update, perhaps the game is running better because of it? Anyway, just wondered if others were having a similar experience, or are you having a bad time? Definitely the best playing Bethesda Todd Howard studios RPG on a Sony platform, in my opinion.

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    #2  Edited By Milijango

    PS4 here as well. I'm 30 hours in and have had two hard crashes, one from selecting a perk and one from exiting a building. I get constant bad frame drops around Boston, particularly in the area surrounding Goodneighbor. Other than that it's playable, though definitely unpleasant.

    Not as bad as PS3 Skyrim, where touching water used to crash the game.

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    #3  Edited By DedBeet

    @milijango: Hmm, I'll try and pay closer attention to frame rate next time I'm playing, since it's not plausible that my copy or PS4 would be different than anyone else. As I said, I know that I'm less sensitive to it, since you tend to get used to certain limitations when you play solely on one type of system.

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    118 hours and I had one crash.

    I've had bugs, sure, like Dogmeat deciding that he can fly, or frame dips here and there. The only real noticeable frame dip was during a spoilerific thing but there was a ton of stuff on screen. Explosions, flying corpses, limbs, exploded bodies, all sorts of gunk. Plus it was raining. Some interiors can cause the frame rate to drop from 30 to 24, but it really doesn't bother me like it would in a game that requires precise input. It's weird, because I know the frame rate isn't stable, but it doesn't feel off. Like aiming down sights or pulling up the pip boy, or sprinting or whatever.

    Aside from that, it's been stable. I've never gotten stuck or had a quest screw up on me. Pretty amazing, all things considered.

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    My experience seems to have been worse than everyone else's. I have all the same framerate problems as everyone else, but I've had around 5 hard crashes, plus the usual Bethesda Jank. I'm locked out of Minutemen quests because I'm completely unable to talk to Preston Garvey. The game soft locks every time I try to talk to him. It just throws his lines out there and then I'm left looking at my character's face while conversation options fail to pop up. Can't pick a choice and can't back out of the conversation, thus, stuck.

    At random points, the game also decides it would be fun to warp my character from wherever he is to somewhere above Sanctuary and drop him from orbit, killing him and forcing a reload. I've had that happen a half dozen times or so too. It was funny the first time, but by the third instance of lost progress it definitely lost its charm.

    About 70 hours in. PS4. Definitely not impressed. At this point, I expect a fair deal more, particularly since MGSV and Witcher 3 raised the bar significantly in a lot of ways. I had no where near the same level of bugs and problems in those games and either the performance (MGSV) or storytelling and world (Witcher 3) were loads better that what I'm getting out of Fallout 4.

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    I've had numerous frame rate dips and a few crashes but overall it hasn't been too bad. Weirdly enough, the areas where the frame rate drops are in places where there's very little going on (the Corvega factory comes to mind) and areas with heavy smoke effects (which is kinda expected) although I don't understand why developers don't just reduce the amount of smoke effects if it's affecting the performance of the game?

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    PS4 here I've probably played 50-60 hours. So far I've had 2 crashes to the dashboard, one when exiting a building downtown, the other I don't remember, luckily I save obsessively so I've never really lost any serious progress. I have some minor frame rate issues frequently, but I'm a guy who put like two or three hundred hours into PS3 Skyrim so I feel like I probably have an above average tolerance for frame rate issues (at least with singleplayer games). But yeah, the only major frame rate moments I've had were in some pretty big battles involving tons of enemies and friends on screen from all kinds of different groups, for example with The Battle of Bunker Hill, where there were Synths, BoS, Railroad, and Raiders all battling it out in kind of crazy numbers. Honestly even that didn't bother me too much. I just start using VATS a bit more and I have both levels of Action Boy so my AP recovers incredibly quickly.

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    #8  Edited By Xdeser2

    Im about 25 hours in on PS4 and have had no crashes whatsoever. The worst bugs I've had haven't really been awful at all. Once or twice the subtitle hasn't advanced with the V.O., but thats been a very rare issue. One time this happened, too.

    The most frequently reoccurring "bug" (Though, its not by any means common, its just the most common thing of this nature I've had happen to me) is when characters use a door that warps to a separate interior or exterior space, if I use it too quickly after they do the door simply wont function for a few seconds. The reason I use bug in scare-quotes there is that I'm convinced its tied to the animation the door executes before letting you out (like opening or turning a knob) like the dialouge, where if a character is in the middle of a greeting they wont let you initiate dialogue.

    The worst thing has to be the framerate, as it dips a lot of the time. I've never found it to be straight up unplayable, but it can get annoying. the draw distance is also super poor. If you're across the river from Boston and look at the buildings, they look pretty hideous until the models start to get a bit more complex. The game can look really ugly at times, but funnily enough at times it can also look incredibly beautiful.

    Overall I still really enjoy the game, its most likely going to be my game of the year even over more stable products like the Witcher 3 and Bloodborne, but get it on PC if you can. I agree, its still far more stable than Skyrim was at launch, and its more stable and less buggy than New Vegas is on PC today.

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    30-40 Hours on PS4 and had no hard crashes so far. I've had bugs; the Deathclaw from the first Minutemen mission got stuck in the Sewer where it spawned or when I used a elevator in a building near Diamond City only to have no options of getting out and having to reload a previous save. Frame rate drops when there's lots on the screen at once but nothing that's made me not want to play more.

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    I'm about 5 hours in on PS4 and had one area (warehouse like) where the framerate went under 20 fps. Also had 1 hard crash when leaving a building.

    Somehow the conversation system keeps bugging out on me as well, spoken lines sometimes being cut off and the subtitles can show just the opening line during a conversation.
    In other bugs: Friendly AI that goes bad. Some guy that should follow me but is doing nothing until I shoot him in the head 2 times for instance.

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    80+ hours in on PS4 and I barely had any problems aside from some random bugs and the scripting breaking once or twice. No crashes, nothing else serious.

    Framerate isn't great in spots, but I don't think it's as big a deal as some make it out to be.

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    Much better than any PS3 iteration of a Bethesda game.

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    #13  Edited By cloudymusic

    45ish hours on PS4 and it's been largely fine. There have definitely been some spotty framerates here and there, but I haven't really had problems getting manual headshots and I use VATS a lot besides. Three crashes during that whole time. The PC version runs better and has more mod options, obviously, but if console is the only realistic way for you to play the game or is far more convenient for one reason or another (as it is for me at the moment), it's totally fine.

    Honestly, the occasional subtitle bugs have been more aggravating than anything performance-related.

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    #14 FinalDasa  Moderator


    I've had various "typical" Bethesda bugs including clipping, companions appearing and disappearing, terrible animations, broken AI, and doors that refuse to open.

    Then there is the framerate which will routinely drop, in random areas of the city, to single frames per second.

    Some of the jank and bugs have made me laugh but most of them frustrate me. I've had interesting character dialogue interrupted. I've had set piece moments ruined by clipping objects and NPCs. And interesting quests that I can't continue because an "Open Door" prompt won't show.

    And that's without going into my personal opinions about how old the game's design feels. Technical mess is an apt description of Fallout 4.

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    #15  Edited By Honkalot

    I've played for maybe 20 hours now and had one crash on PS4. Some area related frame rate drops and some jank but it hasn't bothered me much at this point.

    I don't know if it's like this on PC but if you look towards the horizon the graphics start looking similar to, if not below, PS2 quality. That's my pet peeve so far, how night and day the looks of this game are.

    Edit: Also numerous supply line cows stuck inside various buildings, trying to make their way out of a too narrow hallway. Those are hilarious more than annoying though!

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    #16  Edited By kerse

    I guess I've had a better experience than most people. I'm on ps4 about 30 hours in and besides a few framerate drops and a couple bugs it's been totally fine. Honestly it runs better than skyrim does on my PC, but that says more about the age of my computer I suppose. I think I built it for the burning crusade expansion of WOW.

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    I've spent around 45 hours with the Xbox One version. Going straight from playing Halo 5 to this felt atrocious at first. I've had constant framerate drops right down to single digits, freezes, a couple of total crashes and a lot of funky jank. But I've gotten used to it now, which I feel kind of sad about.

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    I've had zero crashes on PS4. Have noticed some occasional framerate dips (though not necessarily during the busiest combat scenarios), had the occasional conversation bug (player or NPC will just sit there quietly for 10 seconds sometimes or the subtitle dialog and the spoken conversation aren't synced, and I had a character drop through the world once or twice. With that said my gameplay experience has been thoroughly enjoyable and I really don't have any big performance or bug complaints compared to past Bethesda games. Some of that is luck because I know not everyone on console has had that experience but it's nowhere near the nightmare that some segments of the Internet made it out to be on release day.

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    PS4, been playing pretty much every day since release with a couple of days off.Gave me an Error message and quit the game on me once for no definable reason.

    I've never been a PC person and my computer isn't some high end GPU so I'm not the best person to talk about frame rate but I've never noticed a drop any time I've played it.

    Unlike New Vegas which would sometimes become unplayable if you wandered about an area too long and it would go to a frame every 3 seconds.

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    Playing on PS4. Probably put around 100 hours into it already. I've had two crashes. I think one was just in the street while bringing up the perk chart and the other was leaving a building. The only time the framerate got really bad was at one point in the last story mission. It was for about 20 seconds. Not much was on screen but I imagine it was loading things for the rest of the level.

    That's the only frame rate issue I can point to. I'm sure there are dips and things but I'm just not perceiving them. I've always played Bethesda games on mid-range hardware so this doesn't seem worse than any other time. I've only recently got my PS4 so perhaps I'm not yet used to having a consistently high frame rate? Either way it's not at all hampered my enjoyment of the game so far.

    In terms of jank, I've had a few things. Like the pib-boy being invisible/unreadable if you are stealthed. The following people out of doors problem. Settlers warping above their beds in settlements. Had one quest automatically complete a step for me as soon as I had been given it (and had definitely not solved the problem).

    Once I start getting used to solid frame-rates from other games then maybe I will notice it more in this, but so far I'm having a great time.

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    Interesting, I'm glad to see others are having a similar experience. Not having a good PC, I compare my Fallout 4 experience with playing Bethesda games on the PS3, and this has been soooo much better. I never completed the final DLC of Fallout 3 (blanking on the name...had a swamp I think) because it was almost unplayable on the PS3 by that point. Shame, as I heard that was the best DLC.

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    #22  Edited By jerkchicken

    I've got 30 hours or so in the Xbox One version. I've seen frame rate drops down to single digits, but not constant. I use VATS more often than not, which helps. I really haven't had a lot of bugginess though and only one crash. I had a couple of instances where I had to interact with someone to finish the quest and they wouldn't talk—reload fixed it though. If I had it to do over, I'd go PC to get rid of the freaking encumbrance.

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    #23  Edited By kqedequalsvolvo

    I'm playing on PS4 and have encountered the usual Bethesda stuff (weird ghostly affects during conversations, my guns turning invisible etc.) but I'm fairly stuck now. Thrown about 30-40 hours in so far and I'm disappointed to say that I cannot actually progress much further. I've fallen foul of the Monsignor Plaza bug (apologies if this has already been discussed - there's a picture of the affected area of the map here). I'll be vague so as to avoid potential spoilers for people, but it currently means I cannot progress any further with quite a few important quests. Entering within the red line marked on the map image I linked causes the game to soft lock - doesn't kick me out of the game, just leaves me there unable to move and I have to exit the game and re-load. Below are the quests affected and at which part...

    I cannot enter the area you need to go to follow the Synth Courser radio signal in the main questline, after The Glowing Sea quest.. I cannot progress the Boston After Dark quest beyond the bridge part of the escort mission, a key part of The Railroad storyline. I cannot complete the Emogene Takes a Lover quest as part of the Jack Cabot storyline. I cannot complete the Brotherhood of Steel storyline as the Vertibird trip you need to take from the roof of Cambridge Police Station flies over the affected area.

    The follow on from a lot of this is that I am basically just exploring The Commonwealth fairly aimlessly - just exploring blank areas of the map and/or finding my way to places marked after overhearing conversations - which I'm enjoying, it's a wonderful universe to explore. However, the issue is that I'm discovering and clearing places which then come up in miscellaneous quests later on - that task me with "clearing" them having already gone through them. When sometimes that's taken a decent amount of time, I don't fancy doing it all over again - but they are often time sensitive (e.g. the quests from Preston Garvey), so I feel obliged to do them quickly so as to avoid a fail state, which is frustrating and hampers me from exploring, which is basically all I am able to do at this point. I know it's optional, but I still feel compelled to not 'fail'.

    So now I'm faced with either starting from the very beginning - which I really, really do not want to do. Or hold out until Bethesda hopefully patches the issue. There are some workarounds on the PC version but there appears to be no way around this on the PS4.

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    #24  Edited By Captain_Insano

    15 hours in on Xbox One and no major issues so far.

    Had to restart my game/go back to an early save at the very beginning because I went straight in to the base building stuff (before I think I was meant to) and it meant that a conversation with Codsworth couldn't progress, which meant the main quest wouldn't go anywhere

    No huge issues with framerate. Corvega Plant went mostly okay. Some dips/hitches here or there but nothing unplayable (touch wood)

    Dogmeat, however, has disappeared

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    25 hours on PS4 so far. I haven't had any major problems with framerate, just a few drops here and there. The game did crash once when I tried to walk on some scaffolding near the top of Trinity Tower. Otherwise it has been fine.

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    I've played about 70 hours on Xbone and ill finish it on that machine, occasionally the dips get annoying but its playable. I'm playing on the elite and I think the load times are improved by the hybrid drive.

    But I'm looking forward to restarting on PC.

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    #27  Edited By Rafaelfc

    I'm 26 hours in, playing on PS4

    No major framerate drops, they happen for sure (on interiors more often than exteriors) but so far it didn't get in the way of gameplay or enjoyment of the game. I have had zero crashes and only bugs I encountered were text disappearing when I'm supposed to pick an answer here and there and one mission specific object I needed to interact with didn't trigger for 100 tries, but on 101th try it did, who knows. (not the grave Jeff mentioned it was a wall in the digging side mission)

    Way better performance than I had with Skyrim on the 360 for sure, i'm really enjoyign this game so far, hopefully I don't encounter some of the bad issues I seen reported around.

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    I'm not particularly far through, but I've had frame dips almost every time the game has quick saved (kind of understandable, but still annoying) and a few minor issues such as Dogmeat disappearing and reappearing randomly and getting caught in a loop where the game saved just as a sentry bot was just about (1 hit away) from killing me. That just taught me to make manual saves when about to enter possibly dangerous areas though rather than having to revert back to earlier autosaves.

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    About 65 hours in on PS4 with one hard crash. Otherwise, some frame rate dips in cities or during more chaotic fights. Load times feel a little longer, too, though that's only when I boot up the game. A few weird glitches, but more infrequent than I expected - floating enemies mainly. Anybody have moments where they died for no reason? Last night I was strolling along a street north of Boston when I keeled over without being attacked. During the death animation a car was practically on top of me. I'm wondering if I clipped through the car somehow, and that's what killed me.

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    About 50 hours in on PS4. I've had Dogmeat swim in mid-air, which was cool but he couldn't be commanded/selected, which made that moment suddenly un-cool. Nick straight up disappeared when I reloaded a save inside the fallen skybridge skyscraper - turns out he was outside, unable to climb up to the door, which is weird because he was inside with me when I saved. I also died once when I touched a seemingly harmless car outside of Diamond City. Full health, running around without being in combat or anything just "Boop! You dead". No fucking clue on that one.

    No major crashes but have had some bad frame rate issues from what seemed to be nothing but environmental smoke and steam inside buildings. It's so weird, Fallout 3 and New Vegas both felt like they ran way better when you were inside somewhere, but it seems like the opposite is happening here. However, I must say that I've had both F3 and NV cause save-destroying bugs previously on the 360 and that hasn't happened here yet.

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    #31  Edited By hatking

    On Xbox One. My load times seem to be getting longer the more I play, but somebody said that has something to do with the number of save files. I'll probably delete a bunch of old ones and see if that speeds it up at all. Other than that, no tech complaints. I don't seem to have the stuttering issue to the degree some people have experienced it, but I did notice it happen once or twice.

    Other issues are just platform agnostic bugs. Little AI quirks and art issues. Nothing experience breaking, but minor annoyances. The weirdest one was when my loading screens for some reason got, what I can only describe as, watermarked with an image of gameplay.

    The lines in the background are a
    The lines in the background are a "watermark" of some vault I was exploring.

    No idea how that one happened. And it took me a long time to figure out what the lines were until I studied them closely and realized it was, like, a screenshot from when I was exploring a vault. Too weird. Later on, the only hard crash I've seen in the game fixed the issue.

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    #32  Edited By DedBeet

    So, interesting thing, while my first through was pretty smooth, my second play through has had more bugs and some severed frame rate drops. Wonder why? I've also had more than one crash. This second play through feels more like playing Skyrim/Fallout 3 on console.

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