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    E3 2018

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    The twenty-fourth Electronic Entertainment Expo was held June 12-14, 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California.

    The Official BETHESDA Thread

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    #1  Edited By Marino  Staff
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    Congrats to @indiana on winning this year's Bethesda portion of the banner contest! briarpack actually took 2nd and 3rd place with his Please Stand By banner and his Wrong Info Rage 2 banner.

    The Official BETHESDA Thread

    Sure are a lot of stars in that background...again.
    Sure are a lot of stars in that background...again.

    E3 is the place for announcing never before seen games. It's exciting, fast-paced stuff and we're all enthusiastic to start talking about all the new toys. But, please keep in-depth discussions about specific games in their respective forums. For more information about how to help us keep things organized, go check out the E3 2018 and You! thread.

    In an attempt to keep the E3 shenanigans organized, the mods institute these official discussion threads for each conference so that everybody has a go-to place to discuss them before, during, and after the show.

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    This thread is exclusively for the general discussion of the Bethesda press conference. Discussion involving the other company's conferences should be taken to their respective threads (once they're posted).

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    What secrets lie behind these eyes?
    What secrets lie behind these eyes?

    To help you get where you need to go to talk about anything announced or shown during this press conference, we have created a list of them right here:

    Where Can I Watch?

    Sunday, June 10 @ 6:30 PM PDT (Your Local Time)

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    I love this banner so much! Amazing work @indiana

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    Andrew WK and his band were awesome. It’s not their fault that 95% of the E3 attendees are dead inside.

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    Finally, Elder Scrolls VI I am so happy, everything else looked great too.

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    Here's hoping Starfield stays a single player RPG.

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    That rock band at the beginning sucked real bad.

    Most of the conference was pretty awkward. Todd Howard wasn't too bad, and I always like it when a company is willing to take the piss out of itself, but there was a whole lot of Bethesda patting themselves on the back and not enough showing new games. Oh well, every publisher has off years.

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    #7  Edited By BabyChooChoo

    @htr10 said:

    Andrew WK and his band were awesome. It’s not their fault that 95% of the E3 attendees are dead inside.


    I thought Bethesda has a fantastic show all the way through. Fallout 76 still doesn't seem like my type of game, but it still looks fun as shit to play and to watch. Prey dlc and Wolfenstein Youngblood were the highlights for me. Rage 2 still looks incredible. Good shit.

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    Seemed like a pretty good show even though I'm not interested in a large portion of their games.

    Starfield is the one thing I was really hoping to see but eh we didn't really get it.

    Fallout 76 looks like it'll be hugely popular with people who are not me.

    Elder Scrolls Blades I feel.. sort of curious about? In a technical sense I guess but I don't really play mobile games. I don't live a lifestyle where that happens. If I'm out of the house then I am doing something that either requires my attention or feels weird to play a game in any environment that isn't my room. Home is where the games happen. On a big, sexy ass screen, sound system, and a recliner. Or VR.

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    Everything that they showed that I was actually interested in was just logos, and man I am disappointed in their new direction for Fallout the mods were one of the biggest draws that series had.

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    I'm left with more questions than answers. Fallout 76 didn't show enough, Starfield was just a name but that's sorta ok, and ES6 didn't even have a sub-title. I disagree with what the guys said about how announcing those games will stop people from asking questions, if anything with this kinda announcement it'll just open up a much bigger batch of questions.

    Rage 2 looked good though. Watching the gameplay I was suddenly reminded that they actually did car combat really well with Mad Max, which fits perfectly for Rage.

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    Honestly a little sad that my favorite studios known for sweeping single-player adventures are now riding the me-too multiplayer money train. Howard threw us campaign gamer misanthropes a bone with Starfield and ESVI: Insert Region Here, but those bones are so far away :(

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    Disappointed. Starfield is for next generation consoles so, what, 2-3 years away? And Elder Scrolls 6 is after that. No single player ES for this generation at all.

    Fallout 76...maybe...need to see more.

    (sigh) I really woulda loved to have Starfield this year or next ?

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    #13  Edited By jigglephysx

    Man I was really board for a large chunk of this conference. The pausing after every sentence for applause and jokes(?) that didn't land at all really started to grate on me. They got there in the end, but for most of this I would prefer to watch the EA conference again. *holds for laugh/applause*

    Starting with another developer video and then the Andrew W.K thing was a painfully slow start. Rage 2 looks like it could be good. With what Bethesda have done with Doom and Wolfenstein, it gives me a lot of confidence I wouldn't otherwise have that they could turn it in to something special. Don't really care about Elder Scrolls Online or the card game so it was hard to stay awake during these parts. Loved the DOOM reboot so excited to see more on the way. Hopefully it is a proper single player sequel, the subtitle did give me pause. I love me some Quake but Champions doesn't seem to be what I am looking for. Will happily play Q3A any day of the week.

    Never finished Prey, didn't love what I played of it but good to see its getting plenty of post release support. Also excited to play more Wolfenstein. I don't have the same reservations that some of the GB team have. I have full confidence we will return to BJ killing MechaHitler. Still not sure if that Skyrim Alexa thing is a joke or not. If done right that could be kind of cool. Not a fan of the Fallout games so 76 wasn't very exciting for me either. Seems like its very ambitious but given the studios track record with game polish, bugs and stuff we will have to see if they can pull it off.

    I don't know about anyone else but the idea of Elder Scrolls: Blades is not for me at all. Playing that sort of game on a phone is the last thing I want to be spending my time on. Controls with either virtual joysticks or tap-to-move... no thanks. Regardless I'm sure it will be crazy popular anyway. Finally we got a tease for Starfield. Granted we know pretty much nothing about it but sci-fi it way more my jam than a fantasy or post-apocalyptic one. Also announcing Elder Scrolls 6 was pretty smart, just to get people to shut up... even if its going to be like 8 years away.

    I guess overall they did end up justifying holding another press conference this year... but a lot of the games they develop just aren't for me. Was tough to watch especially after the very well done Xbox conference.

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    I'm convinced Fallout 76 will be massive. I am also convinced it sounds like a game I mostly want no part of.

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    #15  Edited By liquiddragon

    I think Rage 2 looks good, everything else Idk. Doom Eternal I'm sure will be good but Wofenstein Old Blood left a real bad taste in my mouth so Youngblood doesn't excite me. The rest of the line up are just not my cup of tea.

    I also felt like Arkane was saying goodbye. I can see them getting dissolved after summer.

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    That new Doom has me feeling some stuff, for the first time ever I’m watching Quakecon live... so weird

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    Anyone got a idea where that new TES is taking place. Kinda looked like highlands stuff so Breton country ?

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    • Elder Scrolls VI
    • Starfield
    • Elder Scrolls Blades
    • Doom: Eternal
    • Wolfenstein: Youngblood

    Weird that the two things with the least info are the stuff I'm most excited for, but eh, that's probably why they announced em.

    Fallout 76 doesn't seem quite like my thing. We'll see how "softcore" it is, cause if I can run around and do silly Fallout shit without any actual risk of losing items and whatnot, that'd actually be a pretty big plus. Less serious risk and reward shit and more venue for silly multiplayer fun.

    Oh and Rage looks alright in action. Good showing!

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    @soulcake said:

    Anyone got a idea where that new TES is taking place. Kinda looked like highlands stuff so Breton country ?

    Some folks are saying Hammerfell and High Rock, and dear god I hope we go to Hammerfell.

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    It was pretty good.

    RAGE 2 looked fun and fast-paced as someone who hasn't played the original (that band was cringetastic though, and so was the long-haired developer that came out afterwards. Don't make people clap if they don't want to!).

    I still need to get DOOM on my Switch, but everything about it tells me it'll be up my alley so news of a sequel is nice. Wish they would've showed at least a little gameplay.

    Don't care about Quake at all, but procedurally generated PREY seems like a neat idea for those who loved that game.

    Is Wolfenstein Youngblood a legit sequel or a DLC add-on? I was confused about that.

    Fallout 76 has been getting a mixed response and I can see why. Getting together with pals, building your own settlements and doing a bunch of crazy Fallout stuff seems fun, but always online and always multiplayer is understandably a major turn-off for many. Playing this solo is gonna be a nightmare, especially when any corner of the map can be freaking NUKED at any time. At least with buddies you can get yourselves resettled relatively quickly. Alone, that crap's gonna be heartbreaking if you're unlucky. I have yet to get into the franchise (have a shiny new copy of 3 GOTY Edition in the backlog), but I know if they had done this to Mass Effect back in the day, I would've been SUPER pissed. Still, I'm sure it'll be a heck of a lot of fun for those who want to partake and it defenitely looks like a lot of effort went into it.

    Elder Scrolls Blades looks pretty interesting for some reason. I may very well give it a shot either on my phone or when it comes to consoles. I mean it's free so why not? Never got into Fallout Shelter, but one of my friends loves it so I may download it on my Switch later this week and give it a whirl.

    Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 mean nothing to me since they're confirmed next gen and I'm still catching up to last gen.

    And the Skyrim through Amazon Alexa game is apparently an actual thing so.....yeah.

    Overall, good conference with a good selection of games and DLC. Just dial it down on the talking and cringe next time.

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    So, new Fallout has

    • No mods.
    • No pausing.
    • Less RPG elements than FO4.
    • No V.A.T.S.
    • Hackers, cheaters and griefers.

    Boy, that sounds like fun.

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    Okay Rage 2! You sold me on getting you.

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    I LOVE Fallout....but i want nothing to do with 76...

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    #24  Edited By militantfreudian

    I'm very curious about Todd Howard's use of the word "next-gen" to describe Starfield (and most likely TESVI). I wonder if he means that Starfield is the next generation of Bethesda games as in it will utilize new tech, or an actual next generation console game.

    Overall, I think Bethesda had a solid showing. They announced plenty of stuff that I'm interested in, which is what I was looking for. Between Bethesda's press conference and Microsoft's, I think E3 this year is already better than last year's.

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    I'm very curious about Todd Howard's use of the word "next-gen" to describe Starfield (and most likely TESVI). I wonder if he means that Starfield is the next generation of Bethesda games as in it will utilize new tech, or an actual next generation console game.

    Overall, I think Bethesda had a solid showing. They announced plenty of stuff that I'm interested in, which is what I was looking for. Between Bethesda's press conference and Microsoft's, I think E3 this year is already better than last year's.

    With Microsoft hinting at upcoming hardware at their press conference and games getting announced with no dates or platforms, I'm starting to think that anything not specifically dated for 2019 will likely be a launch window game for the new consoles.

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    @militantfreudian: I'm thinking we'll see a bunch of cross-generation games this time around, like Destiny was. Rumor is Cyberpunk is also made for "next-gen" but I can't imagine they would skip out on releasing it for the current gen.

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    First off I am not a big Fallout purist or anything, but after some reflection and hearing comments of others, I have to say how lame and goofy it is to have a big mechanic where you are detonating nuclear weapons on others in this Fallout games willy nilly. The weight and gravity of those weapons was always respected, even in 3 when the biggest choice in the game is whether to detonate one, with detonating it being majorly frowned upon. It feels like a loss in morality and the kind of moral compass and scale of the series.

    The game looks pretty fun and all but it's just kind of lame to see Fallout just become another post apocalyptic IP in ways with so many others out there. Maybe the rest of the game will be great but that bugs me.

    I don't even mind them experimenting with multiplayer at all because I found Fallout 4 way too stale and repetitive from their previous games (the one thing that was really different was the building and it felt like an afterthought with almost no mechanics to it, this seems like it will have that at least).

    The teasers for the next Elder Scrolls was so barebones it didn't even give a title to get people excited from, at least knowing the region the game is set in and getting excited off that, and Starfield's teaser was nothing either.

    I was thrilled with them making a Doom II effectively but they didn't show more than a short teaser either.

    I think Rage 2 may be great but it's something I need to feel. Mad Max really had boring, repetitive ass car combat so they need to improve a lot. The shooting and the variety of abilities and weapons looked cool though.

    One thing I would never have guessed before Rage 2 getting leaked was Andrew WK being so heavily featured on something in 2018. It's so bizarre. There is some exec somewhere who hasn't heard new music in like 10 years and won't go find someone younger who knows about any sort of edgy, loud music you could use that is remotely relevant in 2018.

    This was not a good conference overall for me.

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    @theht said:
    @soulcake said:

    Anyone got a idea where that new TES is taking place. Kinda looked like highlands stuff so Breton country ?

    Some folks are saying Hammerfell and High Rock, and dear god I hope we go to Hammerfell.

    that's my hope as well. With such a short teaser they could have at least put a title on the game.

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    @militantfreudian said:

    I'm very curious about Todd Howard's use of the word "next-gen" to describe Starfield (and most likely TESVI). I wonder if he means that Starfield is the next generation of Bethesda games as in it will utilize new tech, or an actual next generation console game.

    I think both. I am imagining it will be an honest attempt at a Sci-fi version of their games where you can fly around in a ship so it will take both things to make work.

    From what they showed with Fallout 76 there is big talk from them on improving their ability with large areas of terrain and draw distance in things. Things you would need making a sci-fi Bethesda game with whole planets to explore.

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    @militantfreudian said:

    I'm very curious about Todd Howard's use of the word "next-gen" to describe Starfield (and most likely TESVI). I wonder if he means that Starfield is the next generation of Bethesda games as in it will utilize new tech, or an actual next generation console game.

    I think both.

    I think it's also an intentional, clever way of putting a broad, distant timeframe in mind for people asking about it. A statement like that says, "It's far off" in a fair, relatable way without bolting down to any year.

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    @rokuthirteen: Yep. It's like when they first showed Dark Sector and said next gen at this point.

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    #33  Edited By Qrowdyy

    @charlie_victor_bravo said:

    So, new Fallout has

    • No mods.
    • No pausing.
    • Less RPG elements than FO4.
    • No V.A.T.S.
    • Hackers, cheaters and griefers.

    Boy, that sounds like fun.

    No NPCs.

    Confirmed by Todd Howard to Geoff Keighley.

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    Howard should know that nobody's going to shut up until we get confirmation that we're going to Summerset to take the fight to the Thalmor.

    (Okay, so that's probably Not How Elder Scrolls Games Work, but it's probably the main hanging thread left from Skyrim.)

    Most of Bethesda's studios put something out in this conference, right? Arkane is kinda MIA aside from a bit of DLC, and not a peep from the Evil Within guys. Who else could be regarded as absent?

    That said, for someone like me who couldn't give less of a shit about Fallout and wants to know whether the Deus Ex-alike has a future, I'm not sure I care much about what I saw at this conference. Wake me up when some Arkane news drops, I guess.

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