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    Dota 2

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Jul 09, 2013

    The official free-to-play sequel to the Warcraft III custom scenario that originally popularized the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena sub-genre.

    help me love dota 2

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    #1  Edited By Wheels1993

    after slogging thru the bronze elo of LoL for nearly 3 years now, i've come to terms that i no longer find solo q in that game, or any game in this genre to be enjoyable.. so as i give dota 2 one last real chance to hook me again i beg and plead for your help so that the next 100 or so hours i spend really trying to learn the game isn't just full of people telling me to kill myself.

    Things of note

    • i'm not a newbie to the genre, i leveled up my LoL account in the middle of season 2 and began to understand the game at a deeper level in the beginning of season 3. i have about 1200 wins, plus the few hundred i got in ranked every year, i understand the ideas of pinging, of taking farm and objectives over kills and such and such.
    • i need mechanically simple heroes. I was born with cerebral palsy, and while there's a whole host of issues i could go into the main thing is that my ability to hit many buttons very quickly is very very bad, especially when you factor in that i can no longer lock my camera and have to hit an extra button to center it every few seconds is going to be bad enough as is.
    • i don't take harsh criticism well, i know im ass and probably always will be ass, you reminding me that i suck doesn't really help anything
    • if you often use inflammatory adjectives like 'rape' or retarded' or talk smack to a team that didn't earn it.. i suggest we avoid each other in game, however i welcome the advice

    Steam name is therealchristoph and (mod edit - don't beg for games on the forums)

    God bless,


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    I wish you all the luck in the world. Dota 2 seems way harder than League from the 2 or 3 games I played of it. The furthest I got in League was Silver 2. Seems to me that you are burned out on playing these games seriously or Ranked. If thats the case you could play other games or other Mobas and play casualy. If you are in it to have fun, just have fun. I hate myself as well when I keep losing in LoL but there I go again. Whats important is to take a break. It also happens in other hard games. You bang your head against a wall all day, you leave and come back later and it turns out you succeed in the first try.

    Heres a plan I have implemented if you really can't stop playing League or Dota it works the same: Everyday just play best 2 out of 3. If you win 2 games in row, there you made your daily League quota, now play Normals or some other game there are so many out there. Somedays I actually just play 1 game a day. Win or lose I just accept it and move on.

    Our situations might be different, I am married and I don't have that much time and playing too much was certainly creating problems with the wife. So you can go ahead and use my plan to cool things with League and not burn out on what is a really cool game.

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    #3  Edited By SchrodngrsFalco

    If you don't enjoy it, don't play it. Accept that there was a time that you had fun with it, and that you've already experienced it.

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    #4  Edited By Slag
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    #5  Edited By Christoffer

    Good luck sir. The difference between Dota and other Mobas, I find, is how much impact all the spells have. Describing a Dota hero makes them sound over powered. "A hero that takes you and another hero to any other spot on the map?" "A hero that makes you practically invincible early game, then you can stun them all for almost 3 seconds?". "A hero who can silence you all for 6 seconds?". Dota makes you work for the victories, and it feels so good. Just keep playing, you'll get better.

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    don't force yourself. dota's main advantage over LoL is not having a horrible microtransaction system. furthermore, new heroes aren't added every couple of months that start off OP and have to be nerfed. Plus there's more interesting abilities imo. There's a hero that can TP anywhere on the map every 20s, and although LoL and Dota are different games, you'd never see something like that in LoL (unless they added a Champion that can do that).

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    #7 FinalDasa  Moderator

    If you can, play with some friends. Playing with friends takes a lot of the stress of learning off of just you and can be helpful than learning from a sometimes angry and spiteful stranger in a random match.

    Also you can spend some time in bot matches getting down some of the controls and hero powers before diving into the deep end of the pool.

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    There's a game mode in Dota 2 that's intended for new players called Limited Heroes mode, where the pool of selectable heroes is cut down from 100+ to just 20 who are all fairly simple to play. This might give you a starting point in finding some heroes you enjoy playing. The 20 heroes are listed here:

    The most notoriously simple hero is named Wraith King, and he only has one active skill, which is a basic reliable stun.

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