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    Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Mar 25, 2014

    An expansion to Diablo III that adds the Crusader class, a new area called Westmarch, and a new evil to fight in Malthael, the angel of death.

    soundrules's Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PC) review

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    • 3 out of 3 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Reaper of Souls Fills all the Holes of the Original

    Reaper of Souls enhances the game dramatically
    Reaper of Souls enhances the game dramatically

    Diablo 3 is a great game. I know some of the hardcore Diablo players had a hard time adjusting to the latest installment but as someone who was just getting into the franchise, I had a splendid time playing through Diablo 3. Over, and over, and over again.

    However, when Reaper of Souls released it was like I was experiencing the game all over again. Only this time, it was better.

    Like most people, I had come to rely on the auction house to deck my level 60 sword and shield barb out in the best armour I could afford. Coming into this new expansion was dark and scary for me. I felt like Captain John Smith exploring the new world. Only my Pocahontas would be some sick legendary drops. Seriously, legendary drops used to be few and far between. I think one dropped in my first 15 minutes getting back in the saddle. It felt good.

    The new Adventure Mode is a welcomed edition as well. The story is great in Diablo, but playing through it 37 times isn't. Adventure Mode provides us with an alternative way of leveling up and getting loot, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

    The new Crusader class is unreal as well. A super tank who can play a major supporting role when taking on challenging bosses or huge mobs. I am really enjoying my new Crusader.

    We now also have the ability to up the difficulty. This allows faster leveling and increases chances for better loot. Unfortunately, this also has opened the door to power leveling. As a test I had a friend carry my level 4 wizard though torment 6. I jumped to level 45 in about 15 minutes. I hope Blizzard addresses this because I can see it being abused.

    Two thumbs way up
    Two thumbs way up

    Along with some other minor fixes such as some changes to the user interface and the ability to transmogrify items, Blizzard has done a good job on this expansion.

    The only question I find myself asking now is, why wasn't the game released like this two years ago? Either way, I still give this game two thumbs way up, or 5 stars if you wanna be politically correct.


    Other reviews for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PC)

      Loot of All Evil 0

      Evil never seems to be satisfied in the world of Sanctuary. You would think with Diablo gone (for all intents and purposes) things could finally calm down, but there’s always going to be that one guy who wants to stir things up. In Reaper of Souls, Blizzards first expansion for Diablo III, that one guy turns out to be Death himself, Malthael. Reaper of Souls offers up a sizable chunk of content for Diablo III players who are looking to line their loot pouches with new stuff. A new story ac...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

      Blizzard phoning another one in 0

      While this expansion has changed and improved the original release of Diablo 3, It doesn't feel like there is much new content here.I played Diablo 3 when it first came out I put 30 hours into the game and it felt like there was a lot to do, many interesting choices to make; in preparation for this expansion I started a new character and played through the original game again in a third of the time, nothing seemed to matter, there is no strategy just pound on enemies until they are dead then go ...

      1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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