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    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Jul 13, 2010

    A comedic action-RPG developed by Hothead Games, and headed by Ron Gilbert of Monkey Island fame.

    datarez's DeathSpank (Xbox 360 Games Store) review

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    • Score:
    • datarez wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • datarez has written a total of 3 reviews. The last one was for Contrast

    Entertaining Hack & Slash

    It's a  fun, goofy, hack & slash with some dry humor thrown in.  It lost a lot of it's charm about half way through but I was invested enough by then to see it through to the finish.  The block and combo mechanics are pretty forgetable and I didn't even use them most of the time.  Equipment management is saved by an auto feature which keeps you out of menus for the most part.  It's a fun time waster, but nothing to laud about.    


    Other reviews for DeathSpank (Xbox 360 Games Store)

      Will somebody think of the children? No? Okay. 0

      Deathspank flows through the system like a combination of mixed drugs. It’s a video game speedball; the mixture of coke and heroine that killed your favorite actors and musicians. In my case, the injection of Deathspank caused heart failure to my social life, diet and exercise routine. Or at least it did for all of 12 hours between first downloading the game and now. I am kind of astonished that I finished it at such a quick pace, survived and was eager to write the review so soon. If anything, ...

      30 out of 32 found this review helpful.

      A Game for Those Who Love Tooltips 0

      Yes, that's a thong in the logo. I know momma always said not to judge a book by its cover, but DeathSpank?  Really?  OK, terrible name aside, a big part of what makes DeathSpank DeathSpank is the writing.  There has clearly been a whole lot of time and thought put into every bit of text and voice over in the game.  Ron Gilbert's humor is evident everywhere, and while I personally am not always a huge fan, there's definitely some stuff that made me laugh out loud while I was playing.    Many...

      11 out of 11 found this review helpful.

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