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    Dead Rising

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Aug 08, 2006

    Freelance photojournalist Frank West struggles to survive a zombie outbreak after being trapped inside the Willamette Parkview Mall. Frank has seventy-two hours to get the scoop of his life while dispatching the undead hordes with anything he can grab.

    silver_dewsky's Dead Rising (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for silver_dewsky

    The Dead will Rise. Take a Photo!

    Frank West is determined to get the Exclusive on the Zombie Outbreak
    Frank West is determined to get the Exclusive on the Zombie Outbreak
    Ah, Zombies. Our Favorite Enemy in the beginnings of Horror Games, so slow and dumb, but still a little dangerous when one becomes swarmed with them. Dead Rising seems like a contract that offers us the ability to kill the undead any way we want, when we want to, and however we want. But in the fine print, we would have to deal with Long Load times, A Frustrating Save Feature, and intense Missions that if we fail, we May never get the truth to and have to restart the game.

    So why would I give this game a 4/5? Well at least for me despite it's flaws, I still find myself having a lot of fun playing the game, and feel to this day that I got my money's worth.  As Frank West, you and your camera travel to the local mall in order to get the scoop on what is happening in town. The Camera is a big element of the game, and encourages you to take pictures with different things in mind. You have to the ability to take photos that are humorous, drama filled, or even full of horrified gore. The Camera really helps Frank differentiate himself from other main protagonists when it comes to fighting the zombie infection.
    Adam the clown. One of the Many Psychopaths you will encounter. Defeat him to gain a nice weapon to use against the zombie horde.
    Adam the clown. One of the Many Psychopaths you will encounter. Defeat him to gain a nice weapon to use against the zombie horde.

    The Story is pretty unique as well. Without giving anything away, it involves finding and talking to key figures in the mall, who may hold the key to the infection with their knowledge of the breakout. The missions that you will be doing are all story related, while saving other people or fighting the bosses of the game will just help add to the main cases in terms of having a better understanding of the plot.
    Checking the Watch allows you to see which cases you're on. Better Hurry!
    Checking the Watch allows you to see which cases you're on. Better Hurry!

    If you've never played this game before, be prepared to restart your game if you miss any of the main cases. This part of the game is pretty annoying, as I once got towards the end of the game, only to fail a mission and have to restart the entire 72 hour mode. This mode is roughly about 6 hours, so It can be really frustrating, but hey, at least you can keep your level and experience. That's a plus, Right?

    50 levels of experience are in the game, and most experience can be obtained by taking pictures, defeating the psychopaths of the mall, and rescuing the A.I survivors. Man, you will hate these survivors, as they do annoying things such as run in circles, attempt to take on the zombies when you tell them to go to a specific area, or just not listen to you at all. I really hope the sequel improves on the Survivors' intelligence, as it kind of sucks as is.
    Yep. This IS a fun as it looks!
    Yep. This IS a fun as it looks!

    But with these problems, the game for me is very challenging, yet very fun to play and has loads of replayability.

    + Fun ways to take out the enemies you will face
    + Hundreds of Zombies everywhere make you feel excited and overwhelmed
    + Great Re-Playability and Challenging Achievements to obtain
    - Save Structure is maddening and may make you restart the game
    - No Difficulty options and Dumb A.I
    - No Multiplayer Features for this one

    Overall, great game and you can probably find it now for less than $20 new or used in some places.
    Overall, great game and you can probably find it now for less than $20 new or used in some places.


    Other reviews for Dead Rising (Xbox 360)

      Killing zombies would be more fun if it wasn't so frustrating... 0

      Dead Rising objective is quite simple; kill zombies in a mall, find out what the heck is going on, and saving people all within a time limit. Sounds quite interesting in that perspective considering that its a great homage to Dawn of the Dead. However while it is fun, it ends as you progress in the game.Another obvious thing about the game is the best part is killing the zombies with...well...EVERYTHING! It can be quite entertaining to see zombies get killed with Katanas, Shopping Carts, Lawnmow...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      A feast of zombie mayham spoiled by some bad design 0

       I’m not sure I’ve ever shouted so much at a game as I have at Dead Rising. In some ways it’s quite exceptional and, in others, rage-quit inducing. It’s a game with as many flaws as it has strengths and is difficult to recommend for that very reason. If, however, you can look your way past the instances of awkward and perverse design, you’ll enjoy a game which is not only engaging, but also interesting and unique in a lot of respects. You play as Frank West, a photojournalist, caught smack-ban...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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