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    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Nov 13, 2007

    As Nomad, an elite soldier outfitted in a state-of-the-art Nanosuit that gives him superhuman abilities, infiltrate a North Korean-held island to rescue captured scientists... and face a reawakening ancient evil that threatens the entire world. Crysis is well known for its high system requirements and top of the line graphics.

    gunner's Crysis (Collector's Edition) (PC) review

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    Graphics, check, storyline, check, awesome, check.

    Set in the year 2020, Crysis has you running through one of the least likely places you would think to be in the future, the jungle.. But not just any jungle, this one happens to be filled with thousands of North Koreans. Why they are there is unknown, so the United States sends in a special ops team to the island to find out. You take control of the character Nomad, with your nano suit you are probably the most advanced and deadliest solder on the battlefield. Coming along with you is Jester, Phsyco, Aztec and the leader of the operation, Prophet. The nano suit gives you perks such as speed, strength, and armor. If that wasn't enough for you, the suit also allows you to enter cloak mode making you practically invisible to enemies, this comes in handy if you arnt the run n' gun type of person that infests FPSs these days. That being said, the game caters to all gameplay styles, if you approach an enemy camp, you have a wide variety of options to choose on how you infiltrate it. Are you going to throw a few Grenades in the place and go in with a shotgun? Maybe taking out the guards and sneaking into your objective is more your style. The game allows you to do both and anything in between, get spotted by a guard? No problem, switch to cloak mode and nothing ever happened.

    While the gameplay is fantastic, the story isnt too great. Yes it is very innovative and different, the ending leaves a lot to be desired. It seems as if they tried to have a climax-like ending but they fail to pull it off correctly, I'm not sure why but it just seems like something was missing. All that aside, who really plays FPSs for their storyline anyway? The game does what its set out to do very well. When the game starts off, you are on a tropical island, then about half way through the game, it takes a sudden twist that has you literally floating through an alien base. While there isn't a lot of action in the alien base, it explains alot of what has been happening on the island. But once you find your way out of it, expect to be thrown into the thick of it all and having to fight for your survival.

    Now I am going to talk about what you are really interested in about Crysis.. The graphics. It is almost like someone came from the future and showed us what the future of games would be, then Crytek tried to copy it. From the beautiful ocean views to the fantastic explosions and physics, this game is sure to please any graphics whore. That being said, this game is probably too advanced for todays' technology. I was able to run it on very high (dx10) with a 9800GTX and an E4500 with 2GB of RAM at a stable yet low frame-rate, but your results may vary.
    I could go into detail on how nearly orgasmic Crysis's graphics look, but you need to experience it for yourself to truely know what I mean.

    After you beat the 10-hour long storyline, you may want to enjoy some multiplayer. After all Beautiful graphics + nukes + people running around in nano suites = sex.. Right? Wrong. The game just doesn't have enough modes or people online for that matter to make the multiplayer worth while, if you can actually find a server that has enough people to make the game actually exciting, you still need them to know what the heck to do. The only good game mode is power struggle, and it is just way too complicated for casual use. You need to be in a clan to actually get any were in the game, otherwise its just a big team death match. It only has one other online mode which wont keep you occupied for long, Deathmatch hasn't always been known as the most fun game type in any game, that doesn't make this game any different. I think the downfall for the multi-player is the steep system requirements which makes some people unable to play it online and the complexity of the only good game mode there is. Again, all this is not why people play Crysis.

    So we have a fantastic single player with excellent graphics and satisfying explosions.. Anymore questions?
    Everything the game has attempted it has done right. It was never ment to compete with your team fortresses or CoD4's for the multi-player crown, or your KOTORs or Mass Effect's for the best storyline. It is what it is, one of the best single player FPSs of 2007.

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