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    Castle Crashers

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Aug 27, 2008

    Grab three other knights and storm enemy forces in this downloadable beat-em-up with RPG elements, complete with smoothly-drawn graphics.

    nukesniper's Castle Crashers (Xbox 360 Games Store) review

    Avatar image for nukesniper

    Four Player Fish Slapping Fun

    The Beat 'Em Up genre faded away near the end of the SNES and Genesis era of video games, now simply walking down the street doesn't hold the attention of gamers long enough. However, as I found out quickly, if you add a sweet arsenal of weapons, little pets that help out, experience and levels, and some quality humor, you can get an addictive and fun game that is nothing shy of awesome.

    Castle Crashers is a Beat 'Em Up at its core, but it is covered with all the above versions of delicious frosting that I cannot seem to stop playing it. At 1200 microsoft points ($15USD) , Castle Crashers is one XBLA game that deserves the higher price that some other games ask for but should not.

    I keep looking for games like this nowadays. I used to be a big fan of Gauntlet and Phantasy Star Online (the split screen stuff on GameCube) because I could sit down with three friends and play one game all night and make some progress somewhere. A couple nights ago me and some friends started new guys in Castle Crashers and played it all the way through to the end.

    There is enough content in Castle Crashers to give you good reason to play through it multiple times. Heck, the game has at least 10 different playable characters, each will have his own character data so you can have one for every occasion.

    Castle Crashers had some problems when it had just came out, but now it is working pretty well. I had one little bug happen to me where we just had to replay that level, which didn't take much time at all.

    Castle Crashers is a quality game that is well worth the $15 if you have people willing to play it with you. You could always go online and hop in another game. Check out the demo on the Xbox Marketplace and see for yourself all the good times you can have in Castle Crashers.

    Other reviews for Castle Crashers (Xbox 360 Games Store)

      Castle Crashers is a fun beat'em up with nice humor. 0

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      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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