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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Game » consists of 22 releases. Released Nov 10, 2009

    The sequel to 2007’s wildly successful first-person-shooter Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 continues the story of American and British soldiers fighting Russian ultra-nationalist forces.

    felisleo1980's Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for felisleo1980

    Bigger, better and sometimes too over the top.

    Modern Warfare 2 delivers on all fronts so it comes to a personal question: do you like this kind of game? Single player campaign is a very strong roller coaster ride, co-op missions are fun and online multiplayer keeps you busy for another two years.


    Campaign starts five years afte the first Modern Warfare. In short a group of terrorists manage to launch a war between Russia and US. Story is told through multiple perspectives so you get to experience many sides of the same conflict. It’s all done with very high quality, but it doesn’t feel realistic in any way. Maybe it was what the developers intended. Big thing is that unlike previous Call of Duty games there are no infinite respawning enemies. This takes a lot of the frustration out from the equation and delightfully grenades are not so big of a problem anymore. As a whole Modern Warfare 2 offers the best roller coaster ride in a game that I have ever experienced.


    Aside from the campaign there are 23 different short missions to play either with an AI partner or with a friend. This Spec Ops mode is an answer to those who want to play in co-op. It all works great, but at the same time the missions are a bit predictable.


    Multiplayer is again the main part of the Call of Duty experience. This time there are even more guns and attachments to unlock and perks to use. There are lots of good little changes made, but for some reason there is no game mode where all the killstreak bonuses are disabled. Map design is done in a way that you can’t go to a corner and wait for people to rush in, because there are always at least 3 or 4 other ways to raid that room too. All in all the multiplayer is the best thing there is on consoles right now, so the question is do you enjoy its fast rexlex demanding gameplay with tight maps and no vehicles.


    Graphics are good, but not the best there is. Luckily there’s so much stuff happening on screen at any given time that you don’t really notice any particular detail. Animations on the other hand are brilliant and even smoother that they were in Call of Duty 4. Colors are used more and now there is more than just the usual brown, grey and black. Sound design is in a word great: everything sounds just like it should and the air is full of sound effects all the time.


    After playing two years of Call of Duty 4 we can finally put that away: Modern Warfare 2 is here. Even if you don’t enjoy Call of Duty games you still owe it to yourself to at least try it.

    Other reviews for Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)

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