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    Game » consists of 21 releases. Released Feb 22, 2011

    Stylish, ludicrous kills net big points in this ridiculously over-the-top first-person shooter.

    akonnick's Bulletstorm (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for akonnick

    Best Shooter of the Year if they would have added New Game Plus

    Bulletstorm is 5 flavors of awesome. I truly loved everything about this game except for the crushing realization after I beat the game that I couldn't play through again with all my weapons/upgrades unlocked. I am still in shock that the people who made this game didn't think to put that feature in the game, but I'll get over my disappointment.

    If you like shooters, but are tired of the same-as-last-year feel that Halo and COD offers up, Bulletstorm is your game. From the creative weapons and secondary fires, the emphasis on creativity and brilliant mechanics such as the slide and leash, this game makes its own mark on the genre. The game is gorgeous and the framerate is locked throughout. The checkpoints were fair and the pacing was just right for me.

    The part of this game that I wasn't expecting was the hilarious story and dialogure. While it is probably the most foul language in a video game, I have to admit that I was laughing constantly throughout the game. Although that may say more about my juvenile sense of humor, there are few games, especially in this genre, where you always want to see what happens next. I highly recommend this game to anyone who has ever liked a shooter as it is one of the best I've played in recent memory.

    Other reviews for Bulletstorm (PlayStation 3)

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      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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