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    Bionic Commando

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released May 18, 2009

    Bionic Commando is the follow-up to the NES classic of the same name. The game revolves around the protagonist's bionic arm used for swinging, and combat.

    sfdvus's Bionic Commando (PC) review

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    • 1 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Swing For The Fences, Miss Every Hit

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    Bionic Commando is like having bacon in between two pieces of raw potato. Yea bacon is good and ya you can have it on its own but now its in between this uncooked potato. Yea you can eat it and the bacon will be there but in general it just ruined by this raw potato. Thats what it felt like playing bionic commando. The game is developed and published capcom with some help from grin a company known for such great games as wanted weapons of fate and terminator salvation. So if the games that came before and after bionic commando are to speak for the quality you should think about dropping your expectations but even if you do the game soil itself right of the bat by dropping you in, locked up in chains. You don't know why then some douche bag sets you free just to tell you ay sorry we locked you up for 5 years but we need you to work for us now and we know about your missing wife so fuck off. Woah I really want to save the world now. After the kick in the balls of an intro the game drops you into the mission with one arm and just a standard pistol and tells you to get your other arm. Thats simple alright only problem is the movement is clunky just walking around, you have a dodge that takes at least 4 seconds to do and gets you nowhere Its more of a harm to do it. so getting to your arm with around 10 enemies on the path is pretty shit when you die in 3 hits, get used to that because there are no health ups to my knowledge. Once you beat everyone and get your are the game opens up in a big way in terms of movement. You get ability to grapple to walls and pull yourself in or swing if you have the moment. THIS and only THIS is a redeemable factor in this whole game. Crippled by a bad story, bad level design, and bad combat the only thing that got me through this 6 hour long campaign was some of the cool stuff I can do with the swing.

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    Heres where I direct you back to my potato/bacon comparison. if you want to bite through all the bad potato, chew it up, and swallow it. Just to get a taste of the good bacon then maybe this game is for you. I have to admit these are some of the best feeling grappling and swinging mechanics I felt in a long time and makes we question why grappling hooks are not in every game. The movement and feel of the swing is great only problem is the bad level design and combat get in the way of just having fun with it and in some point it just gets frustrating trying to fight it so U end up just walking. like the areas where you can actually do some cool stuff, 70% of it is covered in this blue gas you can't go in or youll die and you cant even go to high in the air or youll die its like old spiderman games in that sense. its sad when games from 2003 innovate more than games only 5 years old but overall I feel the grappling is good enough to carry you through this game if you like that kind of thing. the rest of the game is pretty bad 5/10

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    Capcom's devs said that working with grin was “messed up” so i can see how some parts of the game are good but the rest are just ruined. Grins track record is pretty sad when I looked at it. they made wanted wof, bionic commando, and terminator in 2009 but after that seems every game they were scheduled to make was canceled including a unnamed strider reboot, a unnamed street of rage remake and 3 other games. turns out they filed for bankruptcy at the end of 2009 due to lack of funds from publishers. would of been nice to see those games but looking at their past maybe this is for the best.

    SFDvus cya guys


    Other reviews for Bionic Commando (PC)

      The Little Frustrations Aren't Mitigated or Justified By the Whole 0

      The idea of Bionic Commando is that you swing around and have fun, but this game realizes what you really wanna do is crappy combat that is wholly reliant on an auto-lockon system that seems great at locking onto the thing you don't want. This goes great with the fact that you die really easily. The game uses regen health, except you don't have a whole lot of it and it regens really slowly, and you run away really slowly, and you die super easily. Which works out, actually, because the checkpoin...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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