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    Battlefield: Bad Company

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Jun 23, 2008

    The venerable Battlefield franchise returns for its second console-only outing, this time with a fleshed out single player campaign and a new multiplayer game mode, Gold Rush.

    cascadianduder's Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for cascadianduder

    Enjoyable Shooter

    Pros: Controls, Gameplay, Writing, Mulityplayer.

    Cons: AI

    This game is over all an extremely enjoyable game. Clever writing and well timed set-pieces make for an excellent first time single player experience for DICE. The mulityplayer takes the usual battlefield machanics and waters them down abit, but adds another mode to spice it up. The only real short coming of this game is it's AI. Your friendlys are never where you want them to be and couldn't hit the blind side of a barn with a nuclear missle. The enimes are nearly omnipresent, espically tanks and helicopters. But that minor part aside this game is a really really good console version of the series. I personally look forward to the enveable sequal.

    Other reviews for Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360)

      Unleash havoc on the battlefield like never before. 0

      In late 2006, Electronic Arts released Battlefield 2142 on the PC to relative success. Two years later, the Battlefield series came to consoles with the release of Battlefield: Bad Company. In Bad Company, you'll be utilizing Dice's new Frostbite engine to destroy your way through a somewhat short single-player and an addicting multiplayer experience. Though Bad Company is quite different from its Battlefield cousins in both story and presentation, minus a few small annoyances, it's a great shoo...

      6 out of 8 found this review helpful.

      Wanna blow stuff up? Get Bad Company. 0

      If I wanted to make this review short and sweet, I'd probably just say "If you like blowing stuff up and killing a bunch of people while doing it, then Battlefield Bad Company is the game for you." But since I like to add a bit of professionalism to my reviews, I'll delve a bit more into the game and give you a more enlightened point of view on this first-person shooter. Battlefield Bad Company comes from developer EA DICE and publisher Electronic Arts and chronicles the adventures of B-Company...

      2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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