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    Battlefield: Bad Company

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Jun 23, 2008

    The venerable Battlefield franchise returns for its second console-only outing, this time with a fleshed out single player campaign and a new multiplayer game mode, Gold Rush.

    jhosaphat's Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for jhosaphat

    My first Battlefield

    I have always been Interested in the series, and based on the reviews, I decided to pick this one up. The first thing that I noticed was the sound. The game uses Dolby Digital and uses it extremely well. This should be a reference title for any gaming-centric headphones or surround systems. The graphics are done well  as the models of the vehicles and soldiers are extremely detailed. I experienced a little bit of screen tearing in the single player but  did not notice it in the multiplayer. The story is not Tom Clancy worthy but it's not trash either. The dialogue between the squad is great, and it is quite funny sometimes. My only real problem with the game is the AI for both the enemy and your squad. The enemy AI always knows where you are and does not make very good use of their environment. I also felt like my squad did very little in helping me take on the enemy. There is one level in the game where you are by yourself, and that's where you notice that not having your squad doesn't really change things. All in all the single player campaign is well done, if by the book, but this series is really known for the multiplayer.

    As I said before, I've never played a Battlefield game before and I didn't know quite what to expect. Most of the multiplayer games I've invested time in did not use vehicles, or used them sparingly.  After about ten hours of play, I can say that I understand why the Battlefield series is so successful. The balance is apparent in every match I've been in. I also really love the constant dogtags and patches that are awarded for your efforts. It definitely encourages the "just one more game" dynamic. I also discovered the "unique dog tag" stuff and I think it's awesome. For those who aren't Batllefield veterans (like me), when you knife someone you are awarded their user dog tags. It's great seeing who you've taken down and also how many times. This is a quality game that offers something for anybody interested in first-person shooters.

    Other reviews for Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360)

      Unleash havoc on the battlefield like never before. 0

      In late 2006, Electronic Arts released Battlefield 2142 on the PC to relative success. Two years later, the Battlefield series came to consoles with the release of Battlefield: Bad Company. In Bad Company, you'll be utilizing Dice's new Frostbite engine to destroy your way through a somewhat short single-player and an addicting multiplayer experience. Though Bad Company is quite different from its Battlefield cousins in both story and presentation, minus a few small annoyances, it's a great shoo...

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      Wanna blow stuff up? Get Bad Company. 0

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      2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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