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    Character »

    The Barbarian is one of the five new classes introduced in Diablo II, a mammoth of a man who uses his brute strength and warcries against the enemy as a one-man army. The class is the first to ever return in a subsequent Diablo game, and it is implied that the Barbarian character in Diablo III, if male, is the same man who fought Diablo twenty years earlier in Diablo II.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    267742 captainofthestars Character 09/03/23 02:09PM 30 done
    267451 captainofthestars Character 08/29/23 03:38PM 50 done
    244909 captainofthestars Character 12/08/22 08:17PM 50 done
    215346 Marino Character 06/12/22 11:07AM 2 done
    213635 Marino Game 06/02/22 06:50PM 56 done

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