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Worth Reading: 02/28/2014

Horses, dinosaurs, writers, and existential crises are just what the weekend ordered!

My first week with The Binding of Isaac has been...interesting.

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When the first video was published on Monday, the reaction was mixed. In part, The Binding of Isaac is less entertaining to watch than Spelunky. That much is obvious, as Spelunky play often leads to hilarious and unexpected deaths over and over again. That happens far less in The Binding of Isaac, even during runs where the items just aren't spawning the way you want them.

But it's more than that. Some folks couldn't stand to watch the game, turned off by the game's look. The Binding of Isaac is gross. I'm not a huge fan of its humor, nor its aesthetic. It doesn't particularly offend me, but it doesn't do much for me, either. This is, on some level, slightly surprising to me, since it reminds me of Ren & Stimpy, which I used to love. The mechanics are what's keeping me interested, balanced with the randomness approach to items.

At least in my first few days with the game, the way an individual run might play out is much more slower and more methodical than Spelunky. There doesn't seem to be the equivalent of finding a jetpack in The Binding of Isaac, a single item that completely transforms your approach to the game. But I'm still very early, and I haven't seen much of the game has to offer. (Please don't spoil anything in the comments about the game, as I'm trying to remain somewhat pure.)

These thoughts are both incomplete and, most likely, incorrect. I know that. For the folks that can't stand to watch the game, I'm sorry. That sucks. We'll move onto another game at some point, and hopefully you can jump back on the train. There are plenty more to play in the future.

Hey, You Should Play This

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Worth Playing: 02/27/2014

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And You Should Read These, Too

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There is a list of features that I'm planning or working on in my notes. One of them has been to write a review for The Novelist, a game that's hardly perfect, but one that raised all sorts of harrowing existential questions for myself. It's (partially) a game about a writer, so it's not shocking it would have a profound impact on someone who spends much of their time writing. Jill Scharr had a similar experience, especially struggling with the concept of trying to making everyone happy, and realizing it might not be possible.

"Almost immediately my resolve slackened this time too: I decided that, instead of giving Dan every choice, I would make him compromise in every other level, and give either Linda or Tommy the choice. That way Linda and Tommy would get something, and maybe my ending wouldn’t be quite so bad.

In my first playthrough, a tableau at the end of the first month showed Dan and Linda laughing and cuddling. In my second playthrough, the first month ended with a tableau of the couple sitting uncomfortably in a restaurant, while the accompanying text told me they could find nothing to say to each other. I felt a frisson of dread when I read those words. Could I really go through with this?"


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When someone has success, it's difficult to feel bad for them, regardless of circumstance. That's what empathy is for, but it's not hard to see why this is a challenging concept. The Stanley Parable designer Davey Wreden found himself emotionally distraught and confused over the loads of acclaim his game received last year, acknowledging how weird it was to find one more distressed after achieving a goal. To express this contradictory set of emotions, Wrenden wrote a deeply personal comic around the time game of the year was happening.

"But if I go posting on the internet about how awful I felt receiving all these Game of the Year awards, no one is going to take that seriously. "Oh, yeah, we get it, real rough life you've got there. Sounds pretty miserable to be loved for your art. Maybe go cry about it into a pile of money?" And then of course I'm back in the problem I was trying so hard to avoid in the first place, where I'm stressing out about peoples' opinions of me and forgetting simply to feel good about myself. I want to be able to like myself and my work, but it becomes SIGNIFICANTLY harder once people on the internet start asking you to feel ashamed of yourself. It's really really hard to ignore."

If You Click It, It Will Play

Like it or Not, Crowdfunding Isn't Going Away

  • Lost Levels is an excellent (and free!) "unconference" that happens around GDC.
  • GaymerX2 is an LGBT-focused games conference raising funds for a second year.
  • Classroom Aquatic is just the right kind of crazy that I can get behind.

Tweets That Make You Go "Hmmmmmm"

Oh, And This Other Stuff

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Love this article. I read it first thing most Monday morning's here in Australia. Gives me a great snippet, cross section, of great articles I might have missed this week.

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Edited By DedBeet

Didn't expect big complaints about the look of Binding of Isaac; I like the art style. It's disgusting but also kind of muted so it's not as disturbing to me. I definitely understand being put off by a particular art style though. The graphics of Deus Ex Human Revolution really put me off for some reason; couldn't finish the game because of them.

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@marokai said:

I feel like growing up as a gay dude gave me a completely different perspective on the whole "being embarrassed by the things I do" thing. I almost don't even see it as some sort of "I just dislike this because it's so silly and dumb." I see someone acting afraid of liking something like anime, or what-have-you, and instead I just see someone who is insecure and needs to get over it.

I had to go through the trials of being publicly (and privately) ostracized for my interests and my own behavior that stood out as peculiar to my friends and family, and it took years for me to realize that I am who I am, and that I like what I like, and people who are going to make fun of me for liking something that seems weird to them can just fuck off.

At some point that life experience and those life lessons just bled over into things like, in this case, being unashamed of liking JRPGs and being proud of it. If there's a bunch of sexy dudes or ladies on screen, or a bunch of kids being all cutesy or colorful, I don't feel like I need to hide it or that I have to come up with some excuse, like this one or two games are just the exception. "I'm not gay in any way, it was just that one guy that one time, it's completely different." I grew up, I'm comfortable in my own interests. But I had to go through a lot of bullshit in my life to get to that point that a lot of straight dudes never did.

It's okay to like whatever you like. Own it. Defend it. Be proud of it. In the latest Breaking Brad, Brad mentioned Princess Mononoke in a slightly lowered voice, and then tried to backpedal by saying "I feel like Miyazake transcends animeness, though, you know?" No, he doesn't. It's anime. You like some anime. Brad likes anime. It's okay. Anyone who makes you feel ashamed for it is a total shit.

The concept of the "guilty" pleasure needs to die.

amen man, this drives me crazy.

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I really like this comic which was linked to earlier in these comments. I think you can take it's message and apply it to most topics in life. Stop just swapping labels and instead just stop labeling entirely. Something or someone transcending these self imposed labels and boundaries is a compliment.

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@dedbeet said:

Didn't expect big complaints about the look of Binding of Isaac; I like the art style. It's disgusting but also kind of muted so it's not as disturbing to me. I definitely understand being put off by a particular art style though. The graphics of Deus Ex Human Revolution really put me off for some reason; couldn't finish the game because of them.

One of the reasons I couldn't ever get into it was because of the art style - and not because it's gross or anything, I just think it looks plain bad. I kind of hate that freehand Flash looking aesthetic.

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@marokai: Well said from top to bottom. People shouldn't feel ashamed for liking the things they like.

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The Novelist was highly overlooked last year. I have played through it several times with similar results and feelings as the author of that blog post, Jill Scharr. As a parent, and a husband I can relate it the game in many ways. I think it is definitely worth playing.

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@marokai said:

I feel like growing up as a gay dude gave me a completely different perspective on the whole "being embarrassed by the things I do" thing. I almost don't even see it as some sort of "I just dislike this because it's so silly and dumb." I see someone acting afraid of liking something like anime, or what-have-you, and instead I just see someone who is insecure and needs to get over it.

I had to go through the trials of being publicly (and privately) ostracized for my interests and my own behavior that stood out as peculiar to my friends and family, and it took years for me to realize that I am who I am, and that I like what I like, and people who are going to make fun of me for liking something that seems weird to them can just fuck off.

At some point that life experience and those life lessons just bled over into things like, in this case, being unashamed of liking JRPGs and being proud of it. If there's a bunch of sexy dudes or ladies on screen, or a bunch of kids being all cutesy or colorful, I don't feel like I need to hide it or that I have to come up with some excuse, like this one or two games are just the exception. "I'm not gay in any way, it was just that one guy that one time, it's completely different." I grew up, I'm comfortable in my own interests. But I had to go through a lot of bullshit in my life to get to that point that a lot of straight dudes never did.

It's okay to like whatever you like. Own it. Defend it. Be proud of it. In the latest Breaking Brad, Brad mentioned Princess Mononoke in a slightly lowered voice, and then tried to backpedal by saying "I feel like Miyazake transcends animeness, though, you know?" No, he doesn't. It's anime. You like some anime. Brad likes anime. It's okay. Anyone who makes you feel ashamed for it is a total shit.

The concept of the "guilty" pleasure needs to die.

Well said, mate.

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Edited By Steadying

@marokai: Well said. So tired of seeing this kind of crap all of the internet, and unfortunately, all over this site.....And in life in general I suppose.

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Yeah I agree Patrick. Spelunky is probably more entertaining to watch than Isaac. I also have a feeling that you'll max out the ending(s) of Isaac much sooner than it took for you to 100% Spelunky because imo Isaac is a much easier (but still hard) game. I still haven't beaten the Temple in Spelunky and to be honest I don't know how a 30-something work-a-day guy like me is expected to do that.

Still, Isaac is a really fun game and worth playing. I'm pretty sure I've put more than 100 hours into it, if Steam is to be believed.

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Horse world online ???

I like how TotalBiscuit doesn't like MetaCritic. I've thought the same for a while. Number scores are dumb.

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@hailinel: Do you have any links to the stuff you've talked about? I'm interested in seeing this stuff about him for myself firsthand. Thanks!

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Well I couldn't stand watching Spelunky, but Binding Of Isaac is great sooooo no accounting for taste I guess

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Japanese game Industry:

I think there is no easy explanation for the state of the Japanese game industry. There are probably economic, social, industrial, and cultural factors at work. I'll bring up this statistic because it will annoy some people, but it is illustrative of who produces what and how much.

Top Ten Feature Film Production Countries

Country Films Per Year

India 1,200

United States 543

Japan 293

France 200

Spain 137

Italy 130

Germany 116

China 100

Philippines 97

Hong Kong 92

Why do Italy and Germany produce more films than China? Why does India produce by itself as many films as the bottom eight on the list? In all likelihood, it is not economic, social, industrial, or cultural that makes the film industry work that way; but there is some x-factor where that happens. We could be flip and say it about democracy, but that seems like a bad answer...a non-answer.

I don't think Japan need to worry about it game industry, unless it want to sell games in the west. If they want to sell games locally and for their territory, I think they are bound to do well. If it want to sell in the west they will need to figure out what that means. I don't think they have the 'modern 21st century' formula yet, but I think they will figure it out.

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@hailinel: Do you have any links to the stuff you've talked about? I'm interested in seeing this stuff about him for myself firsthand. Thanks!

There's unfortunately no video of the panel I attended; at least none that I'm aware of. As for the other items, here's a link to Totilo's apology article on Kotaku for Schreier's involvement in the Flappy Bird mess.

And here's an article I found through Google that basically summarizes Schreier's involvement in the Dragon's Crown argument, which he kicked off by calling the character designer a fourteen-year-old boy. I will not link the Kotaku articles he wrote directly because, quite frankly, he doesn't deserve the attention for his antics.

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