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Giant Bomb News


Tom Clancy's Double Whammy

Ubisoft is dropping mad geopolitical intrigue today with an EndWar DLC release and a new HAWX trailer.

Ubisoft is clearly getting plenty of mileage out of its ownership of the Tom Clancy name, with updates coming on two of the latest games in the future-military franchise. First up, there's a new DLC pack for EndWar available on Xbox Live Marketplace right now for 300 Microsoft points. The "Faction Elite Pack" will also show up on the PlayStation Network later today for $3.75 in actual money.

The "Faction Elite Pack” DLC will include three new battalions (one per faction) and six new upgrades (two per faction). These new elite battalions include the legendary JSF 15th Special Operations, the Spetsnaz Alpha Brigade, and the Enforcer Corps Battlegroup. The "Faction Elite Pack” will also grant immediate access to six exclusive unit upgrades including Ceramic Armor for the Spetnaz Guard Brigade and Caseless Ammunition for The European Federation's Gunships to name a couple.

Doesn't sound like a ton of new content, but then, the price is certainly nice. Here's shots from that.

There's also a new trailer out for flight-combat sim HAWX. Excuse me, HAWXXXXXXX. I didn't notice the trailer doesn't show any gameplay whatsoever until I'd already dropped it into our compressor, so here's some context for you.

The setting is 2012. As the era of the nation-state draws quickly to a close, the rules of warfare evolve even more rapidly. More and more nations become increasingly dependent on Private Military Firms (PMFs) – elite mercenaries with a lax view of the law. The Reykjavik Accords further legitimize their existence by authorizing their right to serve in every aspect of military operations. There goes the neighborhood…


Jet airplanes! HAWX is zooming into stores in March.
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