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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight 2020.11.28

Thanks, Abby.

Thank You, Abby Russell.
Thank You, Abby Russell.

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back on the best user-created offerings from the last week. Well, I think I speak for the rest of the community when I say "Thank You, Abby!" After four years, Abby has moved on from the site and will be pursuing other endeavors. The "Best of Giant Bomb" tribute Derek (aka @turboman) created is "must see" video content and you should definitely keep on the lookout for the final Giant Bomb newsletter authored by Abby. The newsletter in particular is incredibly sweet and even an online curmudgeon like myself cannot deny feeling a bit emotional reading over the final draft. If you wish to continue following Abby, and why wouldn't you, links to her Twitch and Twitter accounts will be provided below. With that in mind, let's jump into the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight!

Also, GameSpot has started doing pop-up ads for Giant Bomb Premium and this is what their users and community members are seeing.
Also, GameSpot has started doing pop-up ads for Giant Bomb Premium and this is what their users and community members are seeing.


Galleria Of Art

Clew Crew Art (By: @sewerhead666)

Here's some final Clue Crew fanart over on Twitter from sewerhead666! To call it a touching tribute is an understatement; it is AMAZING! Use the link above to send your support to them for creating such a masterpiece! Remember, support artists however you can!

No Caption Provided


Sail The Canals - Mario Party 7 - Opera Cover (By: k0ngbuster)

Over on YouTube, k0ngbuster created an opera cover of everyone's "favorite" musical track from Mario Party 7, "Sail The Canals," after giving the site's Mario Party Party 7 video a watch.

Community Activities

I'm just going to ask a real honest question here, is World of Warcraft good again?
I'm just going to ask a real honest question here, is World of Warcraft good again?

World of Warcraft Alliance/Horde Community Link (By: @rorie)

In light of various updates, Mr. Rorie is attempting to gauge interest in reviving the World of Warcraft Alliance/Horde Giant Bomb groups! Share if you have checked up on the old community alliances and what you would like to see!

Official Santa Hat Extravaganza 2020: Pandemic Version (By: @mightyduck)

IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! It's time to don your Giant Bomb avatar/profile picture with a Santa hat! Get help if you need it using the link! Or, you're MattyFTM and don your avatar with Soviet imagery!

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War Online Grouping Thread (By: @chemystery)

Calling everyone playing Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War! There's an online grouping thread on the forums you can join! Share your platform preference, region, and account name over there if you want to play with other GB users!


A Viking Hoard Without The Hoarding (By: @harumpher)

Harumpher is definitely more positive about Valhalla, but all sides of the spectrum are represented in this week's Spotlight!
Harumpher is definitely more positive about Valhalla, but all sides of the spectrum are represented in this week's Spotlight!

Harumpher tries their hand at blogging on the site for the first time with a write-up about Assassin's Creed Valhalla! Read why they think it does a better job of "managing the clutter" than previous Assassin's Creed games!

There Has Never Been A Better Time To Read Neuromancer (By: @humanity)

With the state of the world being what it is, user Humanity makes an impassioned plea for people who have not yet read Neuromancer by William Gibson to bite the bullet now.

What's The Greatest Video Game: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (By: @imunbeatable80)

imunbeatable80 decided to strike Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch from their video game backlog this month and shares why they don't think the game deserves the "instant classic" tag some have given it.

Homefront Feels Like The TV Movie To CoD's Blockbuster, Though It Has Surprisingly Good Music +

Binary Domain Is The Kind Of Fun, Linear, Popcorn Movie Experience That Defined The 7th Generation (By: @bigsocrates)

Everyone likes to talk about Big Bo, but my favorite character is the French Robot.
Everyone likes to talk about Big Bo, but my favorite character is the French Robot.

For reasons still unknown, bigsocrates decided to give the original Homefront a shot. Check out their blog on Giant Bomb to read why they found it to be the "the TV movie to CoD's blockbuster." Additionally, bigsocrates played Binary Domain on a whim and shares why they consider it an underrated classic of the 7th generation worth going back to if you haven't played it yet.

Desperados III: A Western RTS You Need to Play (By: @jeremyf)

Jeremyf takes to Giant Bomb to blog about Desperados III and why it is the western RTS game that "you need to play" if you enjoy strategy games. Give it a read using the link

A Super Giant Thank You To Supergiant Games (By: @purpleshyguy)

PurpleShyGuy takes the award for best use of Photoshop this week! Sorry Mento!
PurpleShyGuy takes the award for best use of Photoshop this week! Sorry Mento!

PurpleShyGuy takes to the forums to share a big "Thank You to Supergiant Games and why they continue to enjoy their approach to gameplay mechanics and video game storytelling.

Mega Archive CD: Part II: From SING!! Sega Game Music to Pro Yakyuu Super League CD +

Indie Game of the Week 198: Vision Soft Reset (By: @mento)

First, Mento has a new blog that looks at every game that released on the Sega/Mega-CD in the year 1992! Read all about classic "gems" like "Sing!! Sega Game Music Presented by B.B. Queens!" Second, Mento's latest "Indie Game of the Week" blog is all about Vision Soft Reset! Read why they enjoyed the Metroid-esque throwback from indie dev Mark Radocy

Discussion Threads & Forums

Data Caps Are A Serious Threat To The Way Game Companies Do Business, But Especially To Game Pass (By: @bigsocrates)

Where's the Consumerist when you need it?
Where's the Consumerist when you need it?

What is YOUR REACTION to Comcast's announced plan to roll back data caps in much of the United States? How do you think this will impact the next gen consoles or current-gen streaming service use?

Spoiler Free Yakuza - Like a Dragon Tips Guide (By: @doomocrat)

Calling all users playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon! What tips and tricks do you have to share to other people just getting started in the game? Share them using the link above!

Favorite Demon's Souls Equipment/Spells/General Spec? (By: @atheistpreacher)

For those Giant Bomb users playing the PS5 remaster of Demon's Souls, what are your favorite equipment and spell combinations? How have you been spec-ing your characters? Share your character combinations with the rest of the community!

Demon's Souls PS5 Changes Discussion Thread (By: @atheistpreacher)

How long until Ubisoft soft reboots the game with a batch of free DLC?
How long until Ubisoft soft reboots the game with a batch of free DLC?

Speaking of the PS5 Demon's Soul remaster, what are your favorite and least favorite changes in the remaster? Are you as up in arms as the rest of the internet about the changes they have made to the game?

Fuser Song Wishlist (By: @aquashibby3000)

To anyone who has played Fuser, what are some songs, either new or old, you wish were in the game but are not! Common community suggestions include: Daft Punk - Da Funk, Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music, and "More Kanye."

Should Assassin's Creed Just Finally Make An Isu Game? (By: @cadilla430)

Here's an interesting discussion thread for all of you fans of the Assassin's Creed franchise: is it time for the series to let you play as the precursor human race, the Isu? Are they the solution to making the real-world stuff relevant again?

Watch Dogs: Legion's Multiplayer Modes Have Been Delayed Until Next Year Because The Game Is Still Busted (By: @bigsocrates)

Try not to get DMCA-ed while streaming this game on Twitch, would you?
Try not to get DMCA-ed while streaming this game on Twitch, would you?

Watch Dogs: Legion's multiplayer modes have been delayed until next year! What do you think this says about the game's odds of long-term post-release support?

G4 Reunion! (Hosted by Ron Funches) (By: @oursin_360)

Did any of you check out the G4 holiday reunion hosted by Ron Funches? If you did, share what stuck out to you and if you are excited to watch the revived network with the rest of the community.

The Mohammad bin Salman Charity Foundation Is Purchasing A Controlling Stake In SNK (By: @jewunit)

Uh, say what?
Uh, say what?

The news of the Mohammad bin Salman Charity Foundation buying a controlling stake in SNK caught a LOT of people by surprise. What do you make of the news?


VR Games (By: @tanked)

Tanked uses their latest list on Giant Bomb to annotate the games they think benefit from using VR and would suffer if they were made using traditional controls.

User Reviews

Like I said, we have a
Like I said, we have a "diverse" body of opinions when it comes to the latest Assassin's Creed game.


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Reviews: 20

User Lists: 18

I like that the fanart community has distilled Alex into "angry about how nervous he is" as a general look.

Also Abby calling Bess & George while not even looking at the phone? <chef's kiss>

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will miss abby. she was a great addition

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Abby's sense of comedic timing will definitely be missed! There are so many moments Abby's jokes had me dying!

I hope Abby is a "hot dunk" at their next endeavor!

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It is always a treat to see the spotlight show up on the front page ever week! Some lovely art this week and a good send-off, officially and just by the community at large for Abby.

Also, congrats to the discord for the fund raising! Good to see that community come together and do some good, filth degenerates that we..I mean they are! (This is sarcasm, nothing but love for my fellow duders wherever they might gather)

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Great work as always!

Thanks for the Santa Hat shoutout!

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That Clue Crew is adorable!

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User Lists: 7

Thanks Abby for all of the great content over the years at GB! Best wishes to your future endeavors. Gotta go finish that Monikers stream which is gold!

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Wait, wasn't she only here three years?

I keep seeing people say "four years" and I can't figure out why; she started in 2017.

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I started listening to Beastcast two years ago in large part because of Abby, and became a premium member shortly thereafter. Her presence has been a delight. I love Six Crazy Frights so much, I had a blast watching 13 Deadly Sims, and looked forward to all her unique content. I’ll miss her a ton! Best of luck, Abby!

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I friggen DROPPED my black and red giant bomb mug this morning and cracked it cleanly in two. Well shit, at least there's a sale on right now! but but but.... mug is sold out *%^*(%!!!