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SWERY's Top Games of 2020

The Deadly Premonition developer returns to tell us about the many games he partook of in 2020.

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SWERY is a game director best known for his work on games like Deadly Premonition, D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, and The Missing: J.J. MacField and the Island of Memories. He's @Swery65 on Twitter.

I think it should go without saying that 2020 was an unusual year for everyone around the world. Amidst everything that's happened, I'm overjoyed from the bottom of my heart that Giant Bomb, who I love, has given me another chance to look back on my own year.

Just like last year, it seems like more and more games are being released every year. This year, we also saw the next generation of consoles (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X) along with a big update to the PC world with the Geforce RTX 3000 Series and the Ryzen 5000 Series.

In the world of VR, the Valve Index and Oculus Quest 2 were released, and the very first TV commercial for a VR machine was broadcasted in Japan. And, of course, new models keep coming out in the world of smartphones.

It really made me think about just how one's own unique ideals and tastes can influence which choice of hardware will best complement one's life.

Now, I'd like to put the spotlight on a few of the games I've played this year. Just like with last year, it's not going to be a straightforward 'top 10' list or anything like that--I'm just going to focus on several games I enjoyed from different points of view. My only hope is that this list may complement the lives all those who read it.

A game that healed me during COVID: PokerStars VR

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I wasn't able to go outside due to COVID, and I especially wasn't able to meet up with any friends from overseas, but this game gave me a chance to have fun with my friends in VR. I think I spent more time drinking virtual beer and smoking virtual cigarettes than I did actually playing poker.

A Flight Simulator that Surpasses other Flight Simulators: Microsoft Flight Simulator

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I didn't take a single trip overseas this year, but I flew through the skies with this game. Instead of visiting popular tourist attractions, I visited the venues of the conferences I go to every year, as well as the towns where I did research for Deadly Premonition, D4, and The Good Life, and submerged myself in my memories.

Amazing Japanese Indie Game: Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin

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When I saw this game several years at BitSummit, none of the rice cultivation elements were present. (Perhaps they hid them.) The finished product is a very unique game that mixes hack-and-slash action with Japanese culture. It's also a very well-polished game, which really surprised me. Another laudable point about the game is how it forces you to view the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website in the real world in order to proceed with the rice cultivation segment. I also liked how playing the game made me want to eat some piping hot rice.

Amazing Game Design #1: Death Stranding

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I first played this game this year. I was shocked by the quality of the game design, and the next thing I knew, I had put a ton of hours into the game. In lots of open world games, gameplay and game events progress based on points (destinations) that have been scattered across a vast map. There isn't much to do while you're traveling from point to point, so the players are given cars or horses to ride. The developers can utilize a few tricks here and there to make sure the player gets wrapped up in battles. But the truth is, the fact that that time exists at all is a thorn in their side. In the worst case scenario, they just add fast travel to get rid of the traveling time entirely. But in Death Stranding, the traveling from point to point is the focus of the game. I was also shocked by the idea of being able to use tools set by other players through the online functionality. It really was a game built around the idea of 'connectivity.' I didn't like the story, but I think the game design is truly genius.

Amazing Game Design #2: Outer Wilds

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The idea of repeating the last few hours before the world ends is one that has existed since long ago. But the fact that someone tied that into such an epic style of game as planetary exploration, and actually managed to make it work, was jaw-dropping to me. From the 'slow adventure' feel of the beginning, to your first departure after you put in the launch code, and then your first landing on a new planet... I really felt tense, as if I truly was traveling into outer space. I was so into it that I let out a scream the first time I landed on a planet that had tornadoes.

Amazing Game Design #3: The Long Dark

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If you're thinking, "What? You're playing this game NOW?", just let me remind you that there's no rule against playing games that weren't released this year. A true masterpiece will always remain a masterpiece no matter when you play it. And the same is true for old movies, TV shows, manga, and novels. People will always continue to love them. Since this game is episodic, it might actually be more fun to play now than in the year it was originally released. It's a simple life simulator, but still manages to make the player feel tense in expert fashion thanks to the forest and extremely cold town it takes place in. There's never been a game in which collecting wood and starting a fire to warm yourself has been so important.

The game I wanted to play in Japanese: Hades

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Amazing graphics and controls, and well-oiled hack-and-slash mechanics. It should go without saying that Hades is one of the year's top games from every point of view. However, I'm not a native English speaker, so I was only able to understand about half of the story. Reading the explanations for each move really started to become stressful, so I'd like to start over from the beginning with the Japanese version.

A game I love despite what anyone says: Cyberpunk 2077

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After being delayed several times, it finally managed to come out just before the end of the year. And from the day it was released until today, it's been in the center of my mind. There are clearly some problems left to be fixed, such as how those who bought the console editions need refunds, but it's still clearly one of 2020's masterpieces. I love it, including all the rough edges, such as the glitches that make cars float and cause characters to get stuck in walls. At some point, people started to expect every video game to be 'perfect'. From the point of view of those who have a job to appraise games, erecting some sort of standard baseline certainly serves to make their jobs easier, and it also makes it easier for them to get other people to understand how they feel about the games, killing two birds with one stone. But creating a standard is also synonymous with becoming 'exclusive'. And personally, I feel it's dangerous from an artistic viewpoint. When the first magazine in Japan published a page about a bug that allowed Mario to shoot fireballs without sizing up, kids all over Japan desperately tried to recreate the bug in their own homes. I really miss that era. Games are entertainment. If you're able to enjoy a game before you get caught up in its score or other numbers, doesn't that make YOU the real winner?

Special Awards Play these if you get a chance!

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Here is a list of the games I actually played in 2020.

Xbox Series X

  • Bright Memory
  • Lost Ember
  • D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die (to confirm it worked)
  • The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories (to confirm it worked)
  • Deadly Premonition (to confirm the X360 version worked)

Project xCloud

PS4 / Xbox One

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Nintendo Switch

Steam / PC

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Turns out I played a lot of PC and VR games this year compared to other years. I wasn't going out of my way to avoid console games, but perhaps it was due to spending a lot of time at my PC desk due to remote work.

Incidentally, I managed to get an Xbox Series X, but couldn't find any glimmer of hope of getting a PlayStation 5. It depressed me. "I'm an active creator... This isn't good," I thought, as I checked the websites of every big electronics store weekly.

Due to COVID, I was hardly able to go outside, and didn't get to meet all my fans and creator friends around the world. Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise was released, but I had to make an apology for some mistakes, so this year gave me a lot of food for thought as a creator.

Meanwhile, I got to spend more time with my family, awakened to Sunday carpentry, finished writing the novel I'd been working on little by little, had a lot of fun chatting with my friends online, grew out a moustache (then shaved it), changed my hairstyle up... I was certainly able to experience this year unlike any other.

Next year, The Good Life will finally be released. For everyone who's been supporting the game since its crowdfunding campaign, I made sure that the game is still very SWERY, while also having its own unique flair. I hope you'll all stay tuned!

I Love You All!!

Dec. 21, 2020



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Awesome write up! Thank you SWERY!!!! :)

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Great list and write up Swery. You put it so eloquently about Cyberpunk and game critics. I want a world where creators can take wild crazy risks on huge budget productions as well. Otherwise AAA moves more and more to the same formulaic Ubi template games where the production is a well oiled machine.

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Edited By Anupsis

brief reminder that this dude has no issue writing transphobic stuff into his games and his dp2 patch designed to fix it ignored trans peoples criticisms. disappointed that he still gets a list.

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Great list, always glad to see SWERY here!

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And we live you SWERY!

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Always my favorite list of the year.

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loved it, Thanks SWERY!

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Didn't realise SWERY was such a big PC gamer. So how about Deadly Premonition 2 on PC soon? =)

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Thanks, SWERY! I look forward to reading your list every year!

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I always like the nontraditional lists. Great read

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Great list, and I'm super looking forward to The Good Life!

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Thank you Swery!!! What a great list/write up.

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I couldnt agree more with SWERY about Cyberpunk 2077. I have no problem with people disliking the game or having actual bad experience due bugs and so on BUT I really feel like the public discourse didn't give this game much of a chance. It's an amazing game even with all the bugs and weaknesses and I really also felt similar to SWERY that this game reminded me of how games used to get published and I also remember that no one ever cared about that, as long as they found fun in it.

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so happy to have a top ten from a transphobic friend of matt conn the sexual abuser and abusive boss! like how many times are we gonna need to have this song and dance, giantbomb staff, before you start actually thinking about who you feature on your website as guests, fffffucking hell

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@shadgandel: I hate getting involved in this sort of discussion but this time I do agree with you. I actually think GB having a SWERY list (especially after this years events with him) is offensive at the least and grossful ignorance at it's worst. GB always strives to be inclusive etc which I applaud completely, but having a guy who espouses seemingly transphobic stuff in his games seems quite opposite to that narrative.

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also thanks for reminding me about outer wilds, swery. i still need to play that one sometime.

thanks again for the list, this might be the best one so far :]

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I played the Missing and it seemed extremely trans positive, or at least very understanding and compassionate, so i don't know what all this is about

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Edited By rayne117

@noisequeen said:

I played the Missing and it seemed extremely trans positive, or at least very understanding and compassionate, so i don't know what all this is about

Lena is repeatedly misgendered and deadnamed (referred to by the name she used before transitioning, a practice often used to delegitimize transgender people).

How do we know SWERY's intention wasn't to show how awful people can be towards transgender people by not using the right naming convention? Because he said sorry, so he must have not meant to do it at all. I'll take him at his word then.

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Thanks for the list, SWERY!

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Deadly Premontion 2 is a deeply transphobic game, Swery put out a mediocre apology, did one patch to remove one line of dialogue, and refused to fix it any further. On top of that, he's friends with known abuser Matt Conn and has regularly gone on twitter to defend him and, nowadays, blocks anyone that mentions it. Whenever problems comes up with guests on the site, Giant Bomb says they'll 'do better' but the next time it happens, they just apologize and say they'll 'do better'. So when are y'all gonna start actually doing better? Don't give Swery this platform. Don't paper over the bad shit he's done. Actually do better.

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Edited By Drebin_893

This is one of the most insightful lists I can recall reading. Thank you truly, SWERY.

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@rayne117 said:
@noisequeen said:

I played the Missing and it seemed extremely trans positive, or at least very understanding and compassionate, so i don't know what all this is about

Lena is repeatedly misgendered and deadnamed (referred to by the name she used before transitioning, a practice often used to delegitimize transgender people).

How do we know SWERY's intention wasn't to show how awful people can be towards transgender people by not using the right naming convention? Because he said sorry, so he must have not meant to do it at all. I'll take him at his word then.

that's a good point. reminds me of how people used to sometimes assume that Stephen King is a racist, because some of the characters he wrote were racists.

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Edited By ape_dosmil

Great read, I always find it interesting to read a Japanese take on Western games.

Edit: Also how crazy is it that even Swery couldn't get his hands on a PS5? The PS5 really feels like vaporware at this point.

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@rayne117: he apologized but the patch didn't fix the problems and when called out on it he went on a twitter rant about how its fixed and he didn't see the problem. sites just saw the apology and assumed he fixed it without following up on it. i loved the missing but he worked with trans consultants on it but refused for dp2. getting so worked up about trans people being upset is a shit look and maybe chill out.

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@lastly: I've been here since the sites beginning and frankly i can't help but agree. saying they will do better while seemingly changing nothing and having the same issues come up over and over again is very frustrating. i won't stick around a site that platforms shitty people anymore. sometimes people miss stuff and thats ok mistakes happen but its so often on this site.

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@rayne117: ok cmon. You know what you are doing with this post and it's not gonna work on anyone with half a brain.

I think that OP is saying is that the VERY LEAST Alex (presumably still Alex who does these) could have not asked Swery to contribute this year due to his weak ass apology for making a game with transphobic elements and working with a known abuser. If you didn't know about the last part I don't blame you, but that is a significant part of why a part of the GB community is taking issue with Swery's inclusion this year.

I played The Missing this year and thought it did a good job telling a trans story. That doesn't mean Swery is immune to criticism and it certainly doesn't mean he deserves to be featured this week on GB.

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Can someone specify on what are the transphobic content in Deadly Premonition 2? I haven’t played it and I am curious. Spoil me as much as possible.

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It was some unfortunate misgendering and deadnaming, ie. using a persons "old" name from before they came out as transgender. SWERY apologized and said that he never intended for anyone to be hurt by his words and was able to get at least a small fix through the developers, but apparently it wasn't a perfect fix at all.

I truly believe the issues stemmed from cultural differences (ignorance, if you will) and that he absolutely did not intend any harm. I mean, of course. It's SWERY. He's as kind and open as they come.

I think people are forgetting that SWERY and his company didn't develop or publish the game, he was a contractor. He just wrote the story. It was very likely not his decision to not completely rectify the missteps, and I imagine there wasn't a shit ton of monetary overhead to completely redo parts of the game.

I also think the replies in here are disgusting and way over-reacting.

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Thank you for the list! I just completed Outer Wilds this year. I do wish it were a little more direct about some of its discovery aspects. In general, I don't like feeling lost in a game. I think I did okay at the beginning, but there became a point where I just had a lot of difficulty connecting the dots. That said, I can confidently say that some of my favorite gaming moments come from that game. Like you said, the first time you head into the atmosphere of Giant's Deep and see all the tornadoes is stunning. The first time I saw the angler fish in the center of Dark Bramble, thought they were dead, then they turned on a dime to face me and eat me, literally made me yell "OH JESUS CHRIST," which scared the shit out of my cat. I love Outer Wilds, despite my frustrations with it. I still hold that they have an even better game in them, and I'm excited to see it.

Also, I just installed The Long Dark last night on Game Pass. I'm excited to give it a shot.

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Swery's lists are always great.

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@anupsis: Its just a goty list. Harmless fun. Having his list on here has zero bearing on whether GB support his views or not.

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Good list, thanks SWERY

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This is awesome!

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@rebel_scum: ?? they are literally giving a platform to a know transphobe who puts it into his games and hired and defends a known abuser.

Do I think they agree with his views? no, probably a misstep but it fucking sucks.
And giving a platform to shit people is harmful.

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@skurk said:

It was some unfortunate misgendering and deadnaming, ie. using a persons "old" name from before they came out as transgender. SWERY apologized and said that he never intended for anyone to be hurt by his words and was able to get at least a small fix through the developers, but apparently it wasn't a perfect fix at all.

I truly believe the issues stemmed from cultural differences (ignorance, if you will) and that he absolutely did not intend any harm. I mean, of course. It's SWERY. He's as kind and open as they come.

I think people are forgetting that SWERY and his company didn't develop or publish the game, he was a contractor. He just wrote the story. It was very likely not his decision to not completely rectify the missteps, and I imagine there wasn't a shit ton of monetary overhead to completely redo parts of the game.

I also think the replies in here are disgusting and way over-reacting.

i totally agree

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I feel like I'm one of the few people here that have seen DP2 the whole way through, so I'll offer a few things. There's actually a point a few hours into the game where York goes off on a huge rant because Patricia's dad, and heck a good portion of the town, is pretty transphobic about one of the town's residents. York becomes incredulous that people can't accept others for who they are and even tears into her dad a bit when he waves him on the radio. Also, as far as I can remember, most of the people who deadname are a-holes like the resident's father who could never truly accept her.

Great list, SWERY. Thanks for contributing.