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Swery65's Top 10 Games of 2016

SWERY is back after a year filled with strife to list off the games that helped give him life.

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Hidetaka "SWERY" Suehiro is a game designer, beverage enthusiast, and Buddhist priest best known for his work on games like Spy Fiction, Deadly Premonition, and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Though he is currently on hiatus from game development, his first novel is due out in 2017. You can follow his continuing adventures in drinKING on Instagram and Twitter.

I had a hard time choosing a top ten list this year. This year was a good year for our industry. We saw a major expansion of indies power, and AAA played an active part, as well. Also, I realize that mobile games have demonstrated their ability to be not negligible, and I can fully enjoy the works. In addition to all of that, there was the rise of VR. All VR works are still rough, but this is a technology that I believe leads to the future.

So I had some concern about the difference between me and the majorities. However, I AM SWERY. Please just enjoy my list.

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1. Inside
2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
3. That Dragon, Cancer
4. Firewatch
5. Owlboy
7. Superhot
8. Rusty Lake Hotel
Stardew Valley
10. S.l.M. Sara Is Missing

...Aww I couldn't chose only 10 games.

So... 10 more.

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11. Pokémon Go
12. Virginia
13. VA-11 HALL-A
14. Google Earth VR

15. Peter Panic Act II
16. The Tomorrow Children
17. Overwatch
18. Persona 5
19. The Unspoken

Also, about No Man's Sky. The idea of ​​this game was very innovative. I really expect to see great expansion in the future...

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And also, of course a special choice,

The Last Guardian

Note : This list was made on December 1, 2016.

Thank you.

I Love you all!!