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Giant Bomb News


Street Fighter x Tekken Coming to Vita, Includes Cole from Infamous for Some Reason

Previously console-exclusive fighter now coming to Sony's new handheld.

Capcom's Yoshinori Ono was on-hand at Sony's E3 2011 press conference to unveil a new version of the publisher's upcoming crossover fighting game, Street Fighter x Tekken for Sony's new handheld system, the PlayStation Vita.

The Vita version is aiming to deliver a full fighting game experience on the new system, and even comes with a goofy little bonus feature separate from the console versions: Infamous' electrifying hero, Cole. Ono even demonstrated a bit of his in-game fighting skills and, well, it looks ridiculous. Still, it's no weirder than Kratos wandering into the Mortal Kombat universe, right?

No word on whether the other version of the title, Namco Bandai's Tekken x Street Fighter, will get similar treatment, but that's probably up to Namco Bandai, isn't it?

Alex Navarro on Google+