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Giant Bomb News


Sony's Tretton Talks E3 Info Leaks

The president of PlayStation dishes some stern words for those who can't keep their mouths shut about hot company secrets.

"Loose lips sink PlayStations, damnit!"
This year's E3 was the leakiest one I can remember since the show started back in 1995, with darn near every product announcement, new technology, and business move being rumored--and in a startling number of cases, confirmed--days or weeks before the conference started. Sony president Jack Tretton comically but rightfully admitted at the company's press conference that PlayStation was leading the industry even in blown announcements.

CNBC (yeah, those guys) tracked Tretton down after the show to talk specifically about the nature of secrecy in the video game industry, about which he had some harsh words.

People don’t respect confidentiality in this industry. It’s tough enough to keep a secret within your own company, much less when you speak to third parties... This is an industry that has trouble focusing on today. We want to constantly talk about tomorrow. You have to prepare for people to know things in advance. The frustrating thing is they only know a part of the story and that opens up a lot of conjecture and misinformation that ultimately waters down the reality when you roll it out.

He also comments on the biggest piece of PS3-releated news that didn't happen--the expected price cut--and some of the market realities surrounding the new PSP Go. The story is a good read if you're looking for some insight into the way Sony is doing business these days.
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