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Giant Bomb News


Sackboy Better Than Another Scarf

Can't wait for Sony to release an official stuffed Sackboy? Make one yourself!

Sackboy is the heart and soul of LittleBigPlanet, an adorable little avatar that informs the rest of the game's unmistakably tactile, arts-and-crafts-inspired aesthetic. Considering how much of the game looks like it was assembled with construction paper, toilet-paper tubes, and whatever's in the junk drawer in your kitchen, it's not too surprising that the latest issue of Simply Knitting Magazine features instructions on how you can assemble your own custom Sackboy. According to CVG, the Sackboy pattern was created by Alan Dart, a man who Simply Knitting inaccurately and hilariously refers to as “The Grand Theft Auto of knitting.” Seriously, what the hell does that even mean?

I'm usually baffled by DIY video-game handicrafts like knitted caps and tasty cakes, but this is one that makes sense beyond the basic novelty. Hopefully Sony won't hit Simply Knitting with a cease-and-desist over the copyright infringement.