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Giant Bomb News


Rock Band 2 Says Tomato, Guitar Hero World Tour Says Tomato

Some side-by-side comparisons of songs found in these two competing rhythm games.

There's been no avoiding the comparisons between Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour, which is fair, considering they're essentially the VHS and Betamax of rhythm games right now. Ever since the overlap of songs found in both games was revealed, it has seemed all the more justified. Now that Guitar Hero World Tour is on shelves, we can actually see and hear the differences for ourselves, and intrepid YouTube user Gurra100 has wasted no time in posting a lengthy series of comparison videos of a number of the songs that the two games share.


I'm actually a little surprised by how similar many of the note patterns are, simply because it seems like, for all their similarities, the two games definitely seem to have some pretty fundamentally different design ethics. It's an interesting comparison, though honestly, if you're at the point where you're looking to variations in note patterns to decide which game is right for you, you've probably long since lost track of the big picture.