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Giant Bomb News


Next Week In Xbox Live Marketplace

Snoopy Flying Ace debuts, movie-games' prices are slashed, and the second Modern Warfare 2 map pack hits.

What's going on in the world of Xbox Live Marketplace moving into next week? Unless you're big on The Peanuts, Modern Warfare 2, or have been waiting to catch Prince of Persia Classic on the cheap, the answer to that question is somewhere in the area of "not much."

As outlined by Microsoft's Xbox Live dude, Major Nelson, the Deal of the Week is different than usual, this time incorporating several downloadables at a 50-percent reduced price. The aforementioned Prince of Persia Classic, the Xbox Live Arcade release Watchmen: The End is Nigh, and Transformers 2's Character and Map Pack Plus will all go on sale May 31 courtesy of a "Movie Mania" promotion operating within the Deal of the Week. I'm pretty sure you get why they would brand it as such, but do remember these deals will cease to exist after next week.

Prince of Persia Classic 
Prince of Persia Classic 

 On June 1, some regions will be able to download Soul Calibur IV and Medal of Honor: Airborne over Games on Demand. Most regions, on the other hand, will get June 2's Xbox Live Arcade release: Smart Bomb Interactive's Warhawk-style flying game Snoopy Flying Ace. It'll be priced at 800 Microsoft Points.
Snoopy Flying Ace 
Snoopy Flying Ace 
Lastly, the second Modern Warfare 2 map pack, the Resurgence Pack, will hit on June 3 at 1200 MSP. Like the first map pack, it will feature maps both old and new. Vacant and Strike are coming back, while the spooky (see image) Carnival, the close-range heaven Trailer Park, and the sniper-friendly Fuel round out the rest of the offering.     

 Carnival is one of the new maps being added to Modern Warfare 2.
 Carnival is one of the new maps being added to Modern Warfare 2.
So, what are you going to download?