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Giant Bomb News


Mass Effect 2 Weapons DLC Coming Before Liara DLC

Guns, guns, guns!

The three promotional images for the forthcoming Mass Effect 2 DLC Lair of the Shadow Broker teased more than its focus on Liara. Those NERF guns Shepard and his friends have hoisted? Some of those are DLC weapons that haven't been released, but will be in advance of the Liara content.

Community manager Jarrett Lee hit the BioWare forums scene soon after a few eagle-eyed members noticed that the guns were not in the game and supposed that they would be included in Shadow Broker. Lee confirmed that the images contained guns set to hit in a "different pack that will be released prior to Lair of the Shadow Broker," and apologized for the misleading images. 

Lee also did a bit of teasing, too. 

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== TEASER =="Lair of the Shadow broker does, however, contain some really cool stuff we haven't revealed yet, so stay tuned for more details as we head into August," he wrote in the message board thread. He said the sickest part of the content would not be revealed in any shred of PR or marketing, leaving it up to the fans--the obsessive sort that would spot unusual guns in promotional images--to experience it without fear of the content being spoiled.

"Soon" is one of the only words we can use when describing when the new DLC, which will feature Mass Effect veteran and possible love interest Liara, will hit. So, I suppose you'll be seeing this weapon pack "very soon" or "rather soon" or "in early August."