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Giant Bomb News


Make Your Own Chicken Chasing Villager In Fable III

Making the villager is free, but how do you bring the peon into the game?

Thanks to Microsoft and Lionhead, I will finally have the opportunity to fart on myself.
How did we, as a society, reach this newest technological height? It's all thanks to Microsoft and Lionhead newest preorder incentive, the Fable III Villager Maker, allowing game players to craft a unique-ish villager and bring that sod into your digital kingdom when Fable III is properly released on October 26.
Here's how it goes down: right now, if you've got a computer (and that dang Silverlight add-on... I feel like I've installed that thing 20 times this year), you can go to the Fable III Villager Maker, which is being run through the Microsoft Xbox site. Here, you can design your design your villager, selecting their gender, clothing, accent, personality, hair style, region of origin, and back story.  
Once you've made your villager, you can than proceed not to do anything meaningful with them. The game's not out for another three months anyway. You can export your villager and make it your desktop wallpaper. If that's your thing.
Oh, and you can share your villager with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. 

Don't tweet your Fable III villager. Don't be that guy.
Don't tweet your Fable III villager. Don't be that guy.

If you were actually interested in utilizing your villager in your personal version of Albion, you're gonna have to buy in, and gold don't cut it: if you preorder the game, you will receive the code that lets you import your villager into Fable III. Your imported villager unlocks a unique quest and a 1,000 gold reward for your trouble, which doesn't seem that much compared to my real estate empire I amassed in Fable II
But, for the record: you can fart on yourself. A preorder at one of a very select list of retailers is a small price to pay.