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Giant Bomb News


Let's Have A Beta

Jeff checks in with some information on the site's pre-launch beta.

Hey everyone, just wanted to take some time to address a few items of interest.

In case you missed it on the podcast last week, we will be having a brief pre-launch beta of the full site at a to-be-determined date. The accounts you create during the beta will carry over to the full site, so consider this your best chance to get a good account name. And by "good" I mean "one that isn't surrounded by X's and doesn't end in the year you were born."

If you want to be notified about the beta, send an e-mail to Make sure you have a valid return e-mail address, because when the time comes, we'll be sending out a message to everyone with instructions. We won't reply to your submission until those instructions are ready to be sent, so don't wig out if you don't get an immediate reply.

Also, thanks for all the interest in working for us, but we're not currently hiring, we're full up on interns, and we aren't currently seeking any freelance assistance, either. If you've written us along those lines, we've kept your name around, just in case, but if and when we decide to staff up, we'll probably post something more official-like.

We've been getting a lot of mail from people wondering how to sign up for the site. We don't currently have sign-ups of any kind on Giant Bomb itself. If you're talking about the video comments--which require you to be signed in if you want to post anything--those require you to be signed up with the company that hosts our video, Viddler. Also, if you find that all the comments detract from your viewing experience, tap the little comment bubble with the X in it to turn them off. This process will be different once the final site is live.

Speaking of things that will be different when the full site is up, we won't be using Gravatar--the service that gives us those icons next to your blog comments--when the full site comes around. If you've been writing in about how those work, the process involves going to to register your e-mail address and provide an icon, then using that same e-mail address when you post comments here on the site. So, if you want to set up an icon while you wait for the full site launch, go right ahead, just know that we'll have different user icon options when the full site launches. And by "different" I mean "you'll be able to use any single image that exists on the site as your user icon, or upload your own if you feel those won't cut it."

Oh, and we'll need a few volunteer moderators to handle submissions and forums. Please don't write in and ask about that just yet, as I'm of the mind that people who ask incessantly to become a moderator probably shouldn't be one. Instead, be good on the site, and the people who are naturally gifted in those areas will probably be asked if they want to join up.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+