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Giant Bomb News


Hey Turn 10, Announce Your Game Already

All this assuming it's a new Project Gotham sequel is really wearing me out.

Cars go vroom and stuff. What do you want, it's Friday.
Cars go vroom and stuff. What do you want, it's Friday.
Speculation has been swirling for a while now that Forza developer Turn 10 will be doing the rubber-burning on the next installment of Project Gotham Racing, that being PGR5. Sticking Microsoft-owned Turn 10 on PGR would be pretty close to a no-brainer, since

  • those guys proved their racing chops pretty handily with the Forza games, and
  • PGR creator Bizarre Creations is now slaving full-time under the Activision yoke

Addict Gaming dumped more fuel on the fire today, saying that a "reliable source" close to Turn 10 has let it slip that, yes, the studio is doing the next PGR. More interestingly, it will supposedly be announced in "the next two weeks" based on a "NXE announcement" set for next week. We took that to mean the New Xbox Experience, so presumably the game could roll out to correspond with more information on one of the new dashboard features.

But then, it's been my perception that Forza was the rising star of Xbox racing games while PGR may have fallen out of favor with fans after so many installments. (Fans, feel free to correct me.) So why stick Turn 10 on PGR when they could just do another Forza?

Unless they're doing both! A Turn 10 rep offered this terribly illuminating comment.

We're knee-deep in production on our next project but we don't currently have anything to announce. I can say that this next game is by far our most ambitious yet in terms of design and production. So with the expansion of the studio and all the new-hires, it's been pretty exciting here at Turn 10 as of late.

A bigger staff might mean the studio is able to ramp up early production on another Forza while finishing off the latest PGR. Or it might just mean their next game, PGR or not, is just complicated enough to require more manpower. Time will tell!

While we're on the Xbox tip, here's a video detailing the latest piece of the Xbox Experience puzzle to fall into place: Avatar creation.


So, PGR or Forza: which one turns your crank faster?
Brad Shoemaker on Google+