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Giant Bomb News


Fable II Getting Some Good News

A dev blog hints at a big announcement concerning the world of Albion.

Have you heard about this game called Fable II? It's definitely one of my favorite games that I've played this year, and I'm still hopping in and out of the world when I find the time. Imagine my surprise when, less than a month after its U.S. release, I hear whisperings that the world of Albion will be hit with a big announcement in the coming week.

*SPOILERS* It's a cat!
*SPOILERS* It's a cat!
A post on the Fable II dev blog states the following:

We've got some G o o d [Good] news for all Fable II fans next week, dare I even say it's quite a big announcement? Yes of course I dare say it's a big announcement regarding Fable II, next week!

So what is it? Who knows!  Maybe it's new quests? A better map system? A Lancer?

Personally, I'd be happy if they just added some new clothes, particularly a giant suit of armor. My bad-ass hero deserves something a little more fitting than the fancy-lad clothes he is currently sporting.

I'm as curious as you are, so anyone else want to float some ideas as to what it could be?
Vinny Caravella on Google+