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DC Universe Online Gets Dated, Pricing Detailed

Play with the Bat and the Superman starting on January 11, 2011.

DC Universe Online now has a new release date. The action-focused MMO will launch on the PS3 and the PC on January 11, 2011 in North America. In the UK, both versions of the game will launch on January 14, 2011. Previously, the game was slated to ship in November-ish.
As usual, the PC version of the game will be slightly cheaper. It'll hit retail at $49.99, while the PS3 version will run you $59.99. Additionally, a subscription will run you about 15 dollars a month, but you'll get your first 30 days of the game for free. PC owners may also buy a lifetime subscription for 199 bones if they want to avoid the cost of a monthly subscription forever.

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In other news, IGN caught up with the game's director Chris Cao and talked a bit about all sorts of DCUO-related stuff, including the game's lifetime subscription plan. Cao said that the game's servers would be up and running for quite a while and teased plans to keep building the universe.

"We're going to be here for far more than a single year," he said. "We've got a lot of universe to build, and we're not going to stop anytime soon. If you take your math and only double it, the value grows. If you take your math and spread it across five years… or more… well, there's no better value for your entertainment dollar."

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To get a bit more specific, Cao said updates will usher in new "tween" content, end game growth, new cut scenes, new loot, new environments, and different story arcs to participate in. Or, you know, the usual MMO stuff you expect.

Just a note here, but you can still get into the game's beta if you submit a pre-order receipt's code on the game's official website. According to the game's page, this "next" batch of beta keys will be given out on January 4, 2011. This beta will end with an event called "Battle of the Legends," which will feature a "once in a lifetime battle" featuring Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, the Joker, and other DC heroes and villains.