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Giant Bomb News


Crytek Announces Ryse, a Kinect-Enabled, Roman Era Action Title

Also, an excuse for Crytek to keep inappropriately using the letter Y.

During Microsoft's E3 2011 press conference, Crysis developer Crytek announced an all new action title for Kinect. Titled Ryse, the game takes place during the age of the Roman empire, and puts the player in the role of a soldier fighting in what looks like a massive uprising in the middle of Rome.

Narrated by someone who sounded suspiciously like Sean Bean (but don't hold me to that), the trailer showed an actor making sword swinging gestures while stabbing his way through a massive battle. It's a short trailer, which we'll have up soon [UPDATE: I mean now! Check it out after the link below!), but like most Crytek games, it does look awful pretty!

Sword swinging in motion games. Ready to do that again?

== TEASER ==
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