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Giant Bomb News



Dudes love games! And dudes love shaving! Let's make some money!

EA Sports announced a partnership deal with Gillette, the razor people. Their aim is to... well, their aim is to sell you razors and video games, actually... but the aim of this partnership is to put together some big-ass multi-sport gaming tournament. Tiger Woods is somehow involved, which makes sense, considering he does business with both companies.

But to get to the point, the only reason I'm writing about this at all is because I love this quote from Peter Clay, VP of Gillette Grooming.

“Gillette and EA SPORTS represent the best in grooming and gaming, and this partnership is a natural extension of our ongoing efforts to engage guys through their competitive nature and their passions, including sports."

Here, let me run that through the businessman-to-English translator for you.

"Dudes buy video games and like sports. Those dudes all need to shave and we figure by showing them the name Gillette over and over again, they'll shave with our stuff."

Actually, I just like the phrase "grooming and gaming." From now on, if anyone asks you what you're doing this weekend, tell them that you're going to be busy grooming and gaming.

Let's close on this quote from Tiger Woods, the "Gillette Champion" himself. Obviously this stuff came directly out of his mouth and was not at all written by his people or anyone else's people.

"I'm proud of my association with both Gillette and EA SPORTS because they represent what it means to be at the top of your game. This program will give guys the chance to play games at the highest level possible, which is always exciting. To be the best at anything is an amazing feat."

Full disclosure: I actually use a Gillette Fusion razor and think it's the most-bestest razor I've ever used. Also, we had Thai food for lunch today. Also, I need to do laundry tonight before going to PAX tomorrow. And maybe shave. See how I brought it all back around like that at the end? Dude, I should write for a living.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+