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Giant Bomb News


Beaucoup Updates From PlayStationLand

The next Ratchet & Clank, a Killzone 2 interactive commercial, PS3 firmware update, and even a new Jak & Daxter? Things are busy in the Sony camp.

Sony's been busy announcing games and other goings-on this past week, but amid the hubbub of the Game Developers Conference and yesterday's April Fools lunacy, you may have missed some or all of them. So here, take a look!

Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time Announced, Contest Happening Now

Have you heard? There's a new Ratchet & Clank game on the way. A Crack in Time will supposedly finish off the storyline that's been going since Tools of Destruction and on through Quest for Booty. Here's the trailer, which doesn't exactly give away much information about the game.


If you want to add your two cents to the game's development, Insomniac is running a contest where you can design one of the new weapons. My idea: a gun that turns enemies into sheep. What, they did that already? Well, nuts.

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Killzone 2 "Behind the Bullet" Interactive Freebie Up On PSN Today

If you remember the Killzone 2 television commercial we wrote about a while back, you may also remember Sony intended to release an interactive version called "Behind the Bullet," allowing you to play around in real-time 3D within the commercial, on the PlayStation Network. Heads up: That's out today!

PS3 Firmware 2.70 Available Now

Sony continues to ensure you'll be updating your console every other time you turn it on with the latest system software update. The 2.70 upgrade falls far short of the pie-in-the-sky imaginary feature list that's been floating around for a while now, but here's a video showing off the new chat features and other stuff that did make it in.


A New Jak & Daxter? Really?

This seemed like a joke yesterday, because I was sure we'd seen the last of Jak & Daxter on any platform--but nevertheless, a new game is coming to the series courtesy of High Impact, who's been handling the PSP Ratchet & Clank games for a while now. I would have liked to see what Jak could get done on the PS3, but if I have to dust off my PS2 again to play more Jak, I guess I can make that sacrifice. Apparently The Lost Frontier will have "air pirates and sinister creatures," so yeah, this does sound like a proper Jak & Daxter game. Look for it! Or don't!

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