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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Dec 10, 2020

    An open-world action role-playing game by CD Projekt RED based on the pen and paper RPG Cyberpunk 2020.

    Cyberpunk Brief Video comparison of Xbox One S/One X/Series S/Series X/PS4/PS5

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    #1  Edited By Haz_Kaj

    One X and Ps4 Pro(not shown much of this) run it around 28-30 FPS most of the time. PS5 and XSX 60FPS with minor drops of 1-3 FPS.

    But heres the real issue...base consoles especially one S runs terrible. Both PS4 and Base Xbox look pretty bad. And That video was being kind only showing still images. The game in Motion looks pretty bad on Base consoles. More so on Base Xbox as the PS4 version at least has better Frame rate.

    I'm going to play this tomorrow on my Series X which looks and runs fine for a "minor upgrade". PS5 should be the same too.

    If you own a PS4 Pro or One should be fine on those too with 30FPS and decent visuals. Base consoles the games look at best 720p maybe lower and very blurry textures missing effects and low frame rate even below 25.

    The visual difference between Mid Gen upgrades and Next gen isn't huge, the XSX and PS5 versions just look a bit sharper. Base Console versions looks significantly downgraded.

    The next gen version upgrade will most likely just add more stability, visual improvements and RTX on a 30FPS mode or something...and of course...much better optimized with fewer bugs. Bugs exist on all versions. Considering how much RAM and slow CPU current gen(or last gen now) have its going to struggle badly. That video didn't even show Load times.

    What version are you getting and which console will you play it on? Obviously a question to those getting on console not PC

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    Add this game next to Control on the list of games that should not be able to be legally even sold on base consoles. Untennable, really.

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    #3  Edited By OurSin_360

    Crazy thing is, I believe the game was meant for last gen at first anyway. I see why they delayed it, but honestly they should have just delayed the last gen versions because 20fps is unacceptable even for console players.

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    Yikes. Seems like a game worth waiting on til you can grab yourself a new console.

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    God. I have this on base PS4. If I knew it was going to be this blurry I would've waited. I couldn't make it two hours and now I have a headache. Seriously, do not buy this for base PS4

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    @doctordonkey: I played Control on base PS4 recently; the performance drops were bad, but not enough to significantly mar my impressions of the game overall. I think patches probably helped with that though, coming in a while after release.

    Also: that game was indoors, with lots of harsh geometry and weird visual effects--almost better at hiding visual fidelity losses. Cyberpunk with empty sidewalks and streets, awful texture pop-in, and bad framerates makes all those failings stand out like a sore thumb.

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    Series X seems like the somewhat better option of new consoles, so guess I’m going with that. Looked alright to me in another video I saw and my PC probably couldn’t do much better.

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    Anyone played on PS4 Pro? Runs OK? Got my copy coming in the post later today.

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    I didn't know these games were running at 60 on new gen machines because CDPR capped all the console footage at 30fps. That's pretty dope though and probably the only ideal way to play it. At least the half step machines are not completely busted though.

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    #10  Edited By Haz_Kaj

    @oursin_360 said:

    Crazy thing is, I believe the game was meant for last gen at first anyway. I see why they delayed it, but honestly they should have just delayed the last gen versions because 20fps is unexpectable even for console players.

    Delay it for what

    Control still runs awful on base consoles. In 2 months the base console versions MAY run a bit better..but they won't look better. You can always optimize a game to run better. But not look better....the GPU's and specs are outdated.

    It wasn't meant for last gen at all. Maybe back in 2013 sure...but times change and so does the game. The game grew bigger and bigger in stature and became more and more ambitious as time went one. CDPR started development back in 2012 when they were still a relatively middle sized team making mostly PC only games(with their only console game being Witcher 2 360 port). Witcher 3 made so much money that they were able to expand their team dramatically and that basically had huge significance for essentially became their most ambitious and expensive project by default. Whatever the game was in 2015(probably barely built but ideas were there) had to change a lot.

    When you develop games you keep up with the technological trend and as time goes on you're able to do more things with better kits and resources. At some point probably after 2017 when both One X and PS4 Pro came out the development for this game probably shifted towards higher end PC's with mid gen upgrade consoles being the low end spec. The 2013 Base consoles were left to be what is "below minimum specs". And they delayed the game just to make those games even playable in some state.

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    #11  Edited By OurSin_360

    @haz_kaj: Delay it because it's unplayable, or just make it next gen exclusive. This is basically a spit in the face to 90% of console gamers IMO, game literally looks and runs like a bad 360 game. Did control run at 720p and still have FPS drops too? I never played it.

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    @doctordonkey: I played Control on base PS4 recently; the performance drops were bad, but not enough to significantly mar my impressions of the game overall. I think patches probably helped with that though, coming in a while after release.

    Same for me. I played Control on an Xbox One S a few months ago. Menu stuff (e.g. bringing up the map to fast travel somewhere) was unacceptably slow, but the actual running around and shooting stuff was mostly fine.

    I hope they do fix Cyberpunk on the base consoles, because I have no idea when we'll be able to buy a Series X. Then again, there's enough other big open world games out right now, so Cyberpunk can wait ;)

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