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Life is The Bubbles!

Inspired by a recent playthrough of the thoroughly enjoyable Everblue 2, I've completely changed my tune about how horrible most underwater instances in video games can be. Now I think they're all great! Without exception! (Do not read this list if you hate exclamation points. I'm very excited about things this week.)

List items

  • Man, I love the Water Temple. I never got tired of going back into my inventory to put on those boots half a dozen times a minute. Why don't more games have obfuscating water-level changing puzzles?

  • Remember how much fun Dire, Dire Docks was? Because it was fun. A lot of fun. And also not at all awkward to control nor full of asshole manta rays and moray eels.

  • This little guy loves the water so much he will frequently drown without bubbles around. Nothing relaxes me more then that frantic-ass music that plays when Sonic's about to choke to death. "Serene" is the word I'd use.

  • Oh man, this happy fellow made exploring FFVII's underwater world a joy. Who wouldn't want their little atmospheric submarine adventure suddenly interrupted with a time-sensitive fight against a colossal doomsday monster?

  • Sharks are awesome, plus it's Shark Week! Buy a shark you love a present! I hear they love your delicious limbs!

  • Remember that point in Ecco the Dolphin when everything got metallic and creepy and really, really difficult? That sure was a fun time!

  • I don't know about you guys, but a giant spectral space squid is exactly who I want to meet in a darkened submerged spaceship wreck!

  • Remember that tough escort mission through several water-filled halls with that one girl that you have to carry everywhere? Me neither! I've never played this game, but that sequence sounds super fun!

  • Every game should have one of these. Every single one. C'mon Cohaagen, give these games air!

  • There's also this big dozy octopus guy slumbering in the depths somewhere. Why would you ever want to stay out of the ocean?